Monthly Archives: October 2011

TalkCast 105 – Tricks and Treats

This week’s Facebook SFSN Poll winner is The Gunslinger. The new Miyazaki Trailer. Dark Tower headed to HBO. Alice Cooper to be in Dark Shadows. Steven Spielberg hated Indiana Jones IV. Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing. The official website. Ender’s Game release date announced. The theory behind building a space station on an asteroid. Once Upon […]

Fiction Friday – Robert Sheckley, Tell me something funny.

Robert Sheckley was one of the few science fiction writers to have a true sense of humor that translated into his work. A multiple Hugo and Nebula nominee, he was best known for his absurdist outlook and his stories were uniformly wry with a futuristic bent. His fan peers included Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman, and […]

Another Rockin’ Rock and Shock

  October always brings a shiver of anticipation to my graveyard flesh. Not only is it the season of Halloween (and my wedding anniversary!) but every autumn Illustrator X and I always make a point to visit the annual Rock-n-Shock convention in Worcester, MA. For those who have never experienced the Rock-n-Shock, it’s the premiere […]

The Running Man

The Running Man introduces us to Ben Richards, a young man living in 2025 who has been blacklisted and can’t find a job. Growing more desperate, with a sick infant daughter and a wife to take care of, he goes to the headquarters of the Games Network in hopes of landing a spot in one […]

Movies You May Have Missed: Free Enterprise

Take one part Swingers, two parts Clerks, add a plethora of sci-fi references and you have 1998’s Free Enterprise, a funny, witty comedy starring Eric McCormick, Rafer Weigel and William Shatner. Free Enterprise is the story of best friends Mark (played by McCormick) and Robert (played by Weigel) who are struggling to break into the […]

TalkCast 104 – Kathleen Marden

This week’s SFSN Facebook Poll – Name your favorite evil robot. The Walking Dead, Season begins with 2 record ratings. American Horror Story Scarlett Johansson’s catsuit and other Marvel(s) for sale. Michael Bay says no to Transformers 4. BSG – The Movie to be written by John Orloff. Joss Whedon and Warren Ellis together for […]

Fiction Friday: Edgar Allan Poe

This week for Fiction Friday I’d like to highlight the author Edgar Allan Poe. I know that this series is generally reserved for lesser known authors (and if you have a story you’d like to submit please send it on), but good old EAP deserves a bit of a mention this close to Halloween. October […]

Talkcast 103 – Strange Septembers

  This week’s SFSN Facebook Poll. Neil Stephenson on “Gold Farming”. Man goes through plastic surgery to become Superman. CW Shows coming to NetFlix. The Avengers Trailer comes out. Robert Downey, Jr. was as disappointed in Ironman II as everyone else was. Thor 2 pushed back to November 2013. The Divide trailer. American Horror Story […]

The Dragonslayer’s Sword by Resa Nelson – A Review

 In The Dragonslayer’s Sword, Resa Nelson has imagined a mysterious world full of fantasy and terror. She brings the reader in by abruptly dropping them into this world with  a frightened, disfigured, monster-child, Astrid, who is given away to a child seller  by her unknown parents to be disposed of. Astrid is the reader’s guide through […]

TalkCast 102 – Steve Bissette

Tonight’s TalkCast is dedicated to the memory of Armitage Tambascia, daughter of Alex and Joy Tambascia, who were guests on the ‘Cast. We’ll miss you Steve Jobs, a man who made science fiction into science fact This week’s SFSN Facebook poll results. Fringe holds its audience, Terra Nova, not so much. DC grabs market share […]

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