Monthly Archives: April 2011

One Singular Sensation

So I was driving down the Main St. of my little town, minding my own business and rocking out to some NPR when, quel surpise!  I noticed the billboard above had been that had been put in just that day.  Oh, the horror!  My granola eating hippy liberal bleeding heart nearly stopped.  A Family Radio […]

TalkCast 80 – Boston Comic Con and Jeri Ryan

  Fringe sets a new tone of awesomeness. Little girl swears allegiance to the Dark Side. SyFy releases new schedule. Dragonriders of Pern in pre-production after 14 year delay. Doctor Who Season 6 debuts April 23 on BBC-A. Jeri Ryan tweets us!! Paramount options Martian Chronicles. Terra Nova suffers another delay. Cool new web comic: […]

Writers To Watch Out For:

Over the past months we here at Sci Fi Saturday Night have been talking to self-published authors in various stages of their work. There are those like Tracy Hickman, who began in traditional publications and moved slowly into select elegant self-publishing projects. There are the success stories, like HP Mallory who began as self published […]

National Library Week for Geeks!

National Library Week kicked off yesterday and continues (shockingly!) all week. Dates to note are Tuesday, which is National Library Workers Day (just so you know, Zombrarian loves chocolate and works in a library, no pressure…), and Thursday, which is Support Teen Literature Day (remember, lots of classic Sci Fi/Fantasy started off as teen literature). […]

Happy Birthday Supergirl!

According to Action Comics #252, April 11th, 1959 is the day on which Supergirl came to Earth. Kara Zor-El was a supporting player in the DC Universe and was given  her own series on two occasions in issues 72-74 and issues 82-84. After the “Infinite Earth” saga, where she sacrifices her life, She was once […]

TalkCast 79 – Is There An Echo In Here?

Browncoats: Redemption countdown. Chinese censors ban Time Travel TV, because it’s “made up”. George Takei’s audition for Spiderman: Turn off the Dark. Game of Thrones. Star Trek Episodes coming to Netflix. Paramount shoots down both Frakes and Shatner Star Trek 12 begins production in May. Star Wars: The Musical? They renamed it Rise of The Planet […]

TalkCast 78 – The Guestless Show

In the turmoil of our everyday events, don’t forget that help for Japan is still needed. Be wary of scams. Contact The Red Cross to donate directly. Felicia Day tweets… something… Peter Jackson adding new characters to The Hobbit. April Fools Roundup: Nathan Fillion puts fans into a panic. Think Geek presents its 2011 April Fools […]

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