Monthly Archives: April 2013

A Quick H.P. Mallory Update

  A few weeks back we had HP on and had a wonderful time. We talked about enlisting social media to introduce the characters of her newest novel and the profiles are up! Here are Facebook links to: Lily Harper Bill Angel and Talis Black. And here is a Youtube preview. [youtube]

TalkCast 180 – Juli Mayers

New date for Boston Comic Con to be announced soon! Doctor Who’s season finale title has been revealed—and it’s a doozy April 23 was this week, but I forget why that was important  Anthony Head to be new baddie on Warehouse 13 Futurama Cancelled AGAIN! How Pixar transformed its studio into the Monsters University […]

TalkCast 179 – H P Mallory

The 2013 Inkwell Awards. Vote here. Boston Comic Con Update. Lovecraft and L’Engle get craters on Mercury. Will SyFy cancel Warehouse 13. Heroes to return on X-Box Marketplace. Poll: What is your favorite “Found Footage” movie. Tonight’s returning guest is author H P Mallory. She talks about book one in her new Lily Harper  series, […]

Boston Status Update

It’s been a horrific and taxing week for everyone here in Massachusetts and the entire country. Unfortunately due to the standoff between the Boston Marathon bombing suspect (#2), and police that has been ongoing all day, as of now, Boston Comic Con has been postponed until the “not too distant future”. Everyone in the SFSN […]

One Myth to Rule Them All

There is really no other way to say it:  Mythos is awesome.  It’s a brilliantly written web series that draws you in immediately and keeps you coming back for more.  When it ends you will be wondering, hoping, maybe even begging that they make more webisodes of the show because once you are hooked you […]

Talkcast 178 – Z*Con

    Z*Con Harlem Shake Poll:  Space elevator music?  What’s the most appropriate song? Jayne Hat Crackdown Why wear Jayne Cobb’s hat when you can dress as Jayne’s hat? Robot Combat League Syfy Developing Two Miniseries Based ‘Ringworld’ And ‘Childhood’s End’ Blake’s got a personal vendetta in SyFy’s Blake’s 7 Tonight’s show is backwards! Before […]

Talkcast 177 – The Most Interesting Men in the World

Best April 1 Prank: Dome – J. J.  Abrams Developing Star Wars/Star Trek Animated Crossover Swedish Archaeologists find Thors Hammer Kriana: Deejays suspended for “dihydrogen monoxide” April Fools joke Zombrarian: YouTube no longer accepting submissions RIP: RIP Jane Henson 1934-2013    a tribute to her R.I.P. Don Payne, writer of both Thor movies, The Simpsons and […]

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