Boston Status Update

Please Stand By...

Please Stand By…

It’s been a horrific and taxing week for everyone here in Massachusetts and the entire country. Unfortunately due to the standoff between the Boston Marathon bombing suspect (#2), and police that has been ongoing all day, as of now, Boston Comic Con has been postponed until the “not too distant future”.

Everyone in the SFSN family is currently safe and sound and staying home and well away from any areas of danger.

If you’re looking for ways to help, please consider donating to The One Fund.

I’ll be updating this post when we find out more about the rescheduling process.

Edit April 19, 2013; 9:30 PM: It seems like the suspect is in custody, but the Convention is still postponed. No word on when it will be scheduled yet. Stay tuned!

Edit April 19, 2013; 10:20PM: The League of Ordinary Gentlemen is still having their Con After Party! Join us in helping them raise some money for One Fund (plus face painting!).

Also: Larry’s Comics in Lowell, MA is having a FREE mini Con for any vendors/fans/creators interested in attending. Read all the details here. (Not sure we’re going to make it to this one! But you should totally go, it’ll be awesome!)

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