Talkcast 177 – The Most Interesting Men in the World


Best April 1 Prank:
Dome – J. J.  Abrams Developing Star Wars/Star Trek Animated Crossover
Swedish Archaeologists find Thors Hammer
Kriana: Deejays suspended for “dihydrogen monoxide” April Fools joke
Zombrarian: YouTube no longer accepting submissions
RIP Jane Henson 1934-2013    a tribute to her
R.I.P. Don Payne, writer of both Thor movies, The Simpsons and more
RIP comics legend Carmine Infantino
Roger Ebert Is Dead: Thumbs down
Disney shuts down LucasArts

Tonight’s guests are so amazing we ended the news portion early to give you 15 extra minutes of awesome! We had the great pleasure of talking to Tracy Hickman and Richard Garriott about their new MMORPG, Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues. They also told us some behind-the-scenes stories about their Sci Fi movie, Apogee to Fear.  Tracy wrote it  and Richard went to SPACE to film it!


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