TalkCast 344 – MediSin

Medisin coverA teacher and a doctor walk into a bar. A set up to a joke, no. In this podcast we talk with Jeff Dyer and Dr. Mark McKeon, co-creators of MediSin an new series from Action Lab. The series also features David Brame (penciling), Joaquin Pereyra (coloring) and Adam Wollet (Lettering)The first story arc is titled “ First, Do No Harm” and the arc and series centers in the question, after such vicious majestic comic book battles, where do the Super Villains go for medical treatment. What are the affects on the medical staff, the villains and society? Jeff and Mark discuss the inception of their collaboration, how this volume came to be and where they hope to have it go and what possessed them to team up. We get a glimpse of some of the behind the scenes work that occurred from the beginning to first publication. Throughout the interview there was always a sense of passion about this project in them both. Ask your local comic shop to get it in!!

This Weeks News:

Enjoy the bedlam.


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TalkCast 343 – Comic Author Johnny C

Johnny CHow does one start as a comic book writer? What is their process, their drive, their motivation? For Johnny C, he walks into san Diego Comic Con and walked out with an artist invested in his vision. Basted on that meeting Johnny began the arduous process of putting together Sartana, his homage to spaghetti westerns. Why that? Why then? What now and what’s next? Join us for an hour of fun and discussion including his new book, ‘Surrounded By Death‘.


These weeks NES NEWS:

Enjoy The Chaos:


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TalkCast 342 – More Adventures with Capt. Mike

Mitchell Comics

Mitchell Comics

What do the following things have in common?

Capt. Michael Mitchell of Mitchell Comics brings us tales of his families exploits and the comics they have created because of them, including the new “USS Albacore”. Join us for an hour or so of High Seas Hijinks.


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Bonus Feature: Hey Kids, Its Zombie Sub 920!

TalkCast 341 – A Triple Threat Event

Stacey LongoStacey Longo, Rob Smales and Tony Trembley, a a veritable “murder” of horror authors, join us to discuss their new anthology of novella’s, Triplicity, Book 1 of The Terror Project.

You might remember Stacey Longo from her many appearances on this podcast as well as the wonderful writer of Secret Things, Ordinary Boy and her many memorable short stories in anthologies including Insanity Tales, Insanity Tales II, Wicked Seasons and My Peculiar Family, to name just a few. Lets not forget her column here on SFSN.

Rob SmalesRob Smales has also spent more than one occasion on the microphone on Sci fi Saturday Night to talk about his many works including Echoes of Darkness and his work in anthologies, including Demonic Visions and Deathleham Revisited.



Tony TremblayTony Tremblay is a newcomer to the podcast. He is the writer of numerous short stories under his pen name, T T Zuma and is the host of TACO Society Presents, a cable T. V. show that features discussions on horror as well as guest interviews with horror authors.



The three of them are here to discuss Triplicity, the newest novella from Books and Boos Press. This book is the first in a series from Books and Boos Press that features 3 authors in a single volume. They talk about their individual contributions to Volume 1 and how it came about.






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Bonus Content: At a point in the show, the discussion turned to Curtis Lawson and his Wyrd Horror Reading events at the Koto Grill in Salem, Ma. We hope to have Curtis on soon.

The Writer’s Block: Friends of Mine

In honor of this week’s Sci-Fi Saturday Night, I want to tell you about my friends.

Back in 2011, I was at a writer’s conference. My husband and I were walking along a short patch of beach when we ran into a stranger wearing a suit jacket and a big smile. (Also other clothes. He wasn’t some weird beach flasher.) Now, I try to be a friendly person most days, so I said hello. He returned the greeting. We stopped to chat for a minute, and it turned out this guy was attending his very first gathering of writers, and had just had a story accepted in Epitaphs: The Journal of the New England Horror Writers. As coincidence would have it, I was working on the line edits for that very book, and knew his story well. It was quite good. I mentioned this. A friendship was born.

I would eventually learn that the suit jacket was standard attire for Tony Tremblay, along with the camera he always has hanging around his neck. Over the years, I’ve been able to hang out with Tony at other writerly gatherings, and we’ve had some great conversations. He’s one of the kindest, most optimistic and genuine people I’ve ever met, and sometimes, when I’m on the fence about going somewhere, learning that Tony will be there is often enough to persuade me to go.

In October 2012, I was at an event in Billerica, MA, one of a handful of writers reading that day at a karate school. As we were setting up a table of books, a guy rushed in: shaved head, glasses, talking so fast and bouncing so much it wore me out just watching him. This was Rob Smales’s first event, and he was clearly excited/nervous/bouncy to be there.

Now, astute readers know who Rob is—he has since become my editing partner and my best writing friend, but at that first event, we didn’t have much time to converse. It took a few more meetings to discover we shared a similar sense of humor, a mutual concern that we’d be locked up some day for the rather twisted turns our minds often took, and a passion for proper grammar.

Fast-forward four years. An opportunity arose for Books & Boos Press to publish a novella collection . . . except, over time, it grew into a series. And the first installment found me paired up with two of my favorite people in the whole world. Triplicity: The Terror Project, Volume 1 features three novellas: “Steel” by Tony Tremblay, “The Christmas Spirit” by Rob Smales, and “Brando and Bad Choices” by yours truly.

Triplicity is available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and in select retail outlets. “Brando and Bad Choices” is about a woman trying to find redemption for her sins, though it’s not easy, because she’s already in hell—literally. “Steel” tells the tale of a group of survivors in a dystopian world trying to figure out how things went so wrong. Tony’s story cleverly combines elements of both H.P. Lovecraft and Mad Max. And “The Christmas Spirit” features a woman trying to explain to her daughters-in-law how one family holiday tradition got its decidedly spiritual start. They’re three very different tales, and a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and editing went into the collection. But when you’re working with two people you love and admire, it hardly feels like work. Honestly, the best way to describe Triplicity is this: my friends and I were playing together with words, and now it’s a book. And this week, the three of us will be on Sci-Fi Saturday Night to talk about what a long, strange trip it’s been.

Enjoy. I did.


TalkCast 340 – Jeremy Whitley, The Three-peat

Our guest for this edition is the amazing and talented Jeremy Whitley. Jeremy is here to talk about his new Marvel series, “The Unstoppable Wasp”. While no stranger to the Marvel Universe, we also talk about the process that brought him to this point as well as his wonderful character depth. I pushed to find out what the future has in store for us in all his various universes including Princeless, Raven: The Pirate Princess and My Little Pony. No need to do anything put point at the links as we talk.

Enjoy the Chaos.


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TalkCast 339 – Matthew Phillion

Matthew Phillion

Matthew Phillion

On this episode, we have a wide ranging conversation with Matt Phillion. An accomplished and talented author, Matt has not only produced 4 novels and 2 “one shots” in his ‘The Indestructibles” series but he has also written, directed and acted in movies and is a self-described “recovering newspaper journalist”. Honestly, we talked about a bunch of stuff and bounced around from topic to topic, discussing his writing, the characters, his motivations, work flow and why he does what he does. There are also many anecdotes of what we have come to know as “Convention Moments”. Find his novels here.

No news this week not because there wasn’t any, but because the interview was so much fun.

Enjoy the chaos.


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Bonus Content: The Indestructibles Movie Trailer

TalkCast 338 – Alan Hebert from HB Comics

Team Synergy by HB Comics

Team Synergy by HB Comics


Our guest tonight is Alan Hebert, one half of the creative brother team of HB Comics. Austensably, he was on to talk about their Kickstarter for the first trade paperback of their new series, Team Synergy Vol. 1: Spellbound. While a portion of tonights interview was about the Kickstarter, we also discussed the whole concept of Team Synergy, its inception, the why and way it began and evolved, its reception  at conventions and the entire Team Synergy Cosplay that travels to conventions with them.

We then wandered into how HB Comics came to be, how it is to work with your brother and, amazingly, how they finish each other’s sentences (I have seen it and it’s quite amazing). We attempted to pry out of Alan what the newest secret project from HB is, to no avail.

Check out the Kickstarter  and make sure to check them out online or at a convention soon. We missed you, Alan.

Enjoy the madness.


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BONUS FEATURE: Our interview with The Cosplay Team Synergy.

TalkCast 337 – Jeff Kline from Darby Pop Publishing


Jeff KlineOur guest tonight is Jeff Kline of Darby Pop Publishing

We talked about the line of Darby Pop comics including the new Bruce Lee series approved by the Bruce Lee estate. Jeff talks about his beginnings in animation in the 1990’s and his work on over 40 series and pilots including some of Dome’s favorites; The Jackie Chan Adventures and Men In Black: The Animated Series. The discussion then went to the why and how of the inception of Darby Pop Publishing, the people involved in it and the myriad titles they now run including the new Bruce Lee series. One of the many interesting aspects of Darby Pop is their “Breaking Into Comics” competition, now in its third year. Jeff announced that this year’s competition deadline has been extended to February 10th. If you’re an aspiring comic artist or writer , check it out.

At the end of the interview, which went close to an hour, we decided no news is good news, so…no news.


Enjoy the conversation, we did.


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The Writer’s Block Presents: John Valeri

This month, author John Valeri gives us insight into pursuing that special someone, with hilarious results . . .

The Woman of my Screams

By John B. Valeri

My wife and I have an agreement. Should the opportunity to get biblical with Neve Campbell arise, I’d get “a pass.”

Admittedly, this is not very likely to happen, but hope is a powerful thing. And, just so you know, I’m not some hypocritical chauvinist—the same deal stands for her and David Boreanaz. (Feel free to insert a Bones joke here—though her crush actually stems from his role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

My infatuation began on New Year’s Eve 1997—the night I finally conquered my crippling fear of scary movies by watching Scream alone in the dark. Neve Campbell as Sidney Prescott, the franchise’s perpetually traumatized “final girl,” was a revelation. How can I explain it? There’s just something undeniably sexy about a woman who can be strong and vulnerable at the same time—and if you’ve ever seen Neve’s eyes well up with tears without them ever spilling over, you know exactly what I mean.

By the time Scream 3 came out in 2000, I was pretty much convinced that we were meant to be together. To give you some idea of the vividness of my imagination, I still recall an assignment for my high school journalism class: writing my own obituary. I envisioned my death as a cardiac catastrophe in a trailer on the set of the umpteenth Scream sequel, where Neve and I were in the throes of . . . well, let’s just say it wasn’t rehearsal. Ah, puberty.

A series of events too lengthy to recount here led me to Hollywood in the spring of 2011 for the red carpet premiere of Scream 4 at the world-famous Chinese Theatre. I braved a cross-country flight, a skeevy hotel, and dinner at In-N-Out Burger to share the same airspace as Neve, if only for a few hours. Seeing a film in the presence of its cast was a surreal experience, and one that left me intoxicated with incredulity at my own good luck. I even ran into Courteney Cox after the screening and managed to snag a picture with her as she was rushing out to do press. But Neve eluded me.

Undeterred, I huffed it a mile to The Redbury Hotel on foot, where the after-party was being held. The place was swarming with celebs—including Emma Roberts and Hayden Panettiere, both so skinny that you want to plug a protein drip straight into their veins—and I pretty much went mute with anxiety and awe. (Have I mentioned that this occurred during my socially awkward phase? You know the one: ages seven to thirty.) It’s easy to become a wallflower, and I still cringe knowing that I probably looked as out of place as I felt.

After spending the better part of two hours squirming my way through a claustrophobia-inducing crowd, I decided to take one last lap around the upstairs lounge before calling it quits. (It was nearing midnight, and I had an early morning plane to catch.) And then, as if by divine intervention, I spotted Neve Campbell sitting nonchalantly on a couch chatting with friends, almost as if she’d been there waiting for me. Not wanting to appear rude, I did what I thought any casual fan would do: I propped myself up against the nearest wall and stared unabashedly, just waiting for an appropriate moment to interject.

That moment never happened.

What did happen was that Jamie Kennedy (who played ill-fated movie nerd Randy in Scream 1 through 3) stopped over to say hello to his former costar. We’d met earlier in the evening, so I felt emboldened to insinuate myself into their little reunion and ask for a photo. Which was cause for yet another awkward moment. You see, Jamie thought that I wanted a picture of him and Neve—but what I really wanted was a picture of me and Neve. After I articulated this, he graciously relinquished his spot while somebody else snapped the photo for which I had traveled all the way to Hollywood.

Finally, after hailing a taxi back to my hotel, I dared to check my camera and was met with yet another indignity: Mr. Freakin’ Potato Head staring back at me. Only he was me.

Oh, the horror of it all . . .


*Note: I met Neve again in the summer of 2015—and paid a professional photographer to capture the moment on film. The amount was obscene. It was worth it.

John Valeri is a journalist and fiction writer. He wrote the Hartford Books Examiner for almost a decade, during which it consistently ranked in the top ten percent of all Hartford, national books, and national arts & entertainment Examiners. His short stories “Just Cause” and “Blood Relations” were recently published in Tricks and Treats: A Collection of Spooky Stories by Connecticut Authors. He makes his online home at

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