Stacey Longo, Rob Smales and Tony Trembley, a a veritable “murder” of horror authors, join us to discuss their new anthology of novella’s, Triplicity, Book 1 of The Terror Project.
You might remember Stacey Longo from her many appearances on this podcast as well as the wonderful writer of Secret Things, Ordinary Boy and her many memorable short stories in anthologies including Insanity Tales, Insanity Tales II, Wicked Seasons and My Peculiar Family, to name just a few. Lets not forget her column here on SFSN.
Rob Smales has also spent more than one occasion on the microphone on Sci fi Saturday Night to talk about his many works including Echoes of Darkness and his work in anthologies, including Demonic Visions and Deathleham Revisited.
Tony Tremblay is a newcomer to the podcast. He is the writer of numerous short stories under his pen name, T T Zuma and is the host of TACO Society Presents, a cable T. V. show that features discussions on horror as well as guest interviews with horror authors.
The three of them are here to discuss Triplicity, the newest novella from Books and Boos Press. This book is the first in a series from Books and Boos Press that features 3 authors in a single volume. They talk about their individual contributions to Volume 1 and how it came about.
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Bonus Content: At a point in the show, the discussion turned to Curtis Lawson and his Wyrd Horror Reading events at the Koto Grill in Salem, Ma. We hope to have Curtis on soon.
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