Team Synergy by HB Comics
Our guest tonight is Alan Hebert, one half of the creative brother team of HB Comics. Austensably, he was on to talk about their Kickstarter for the first trade paperback of their new series, Team Synergy Vol. 1: Spellbound. While a portion of tonights interview was about the Kickstarter, we also discussed the whole concept of Team Synergy, its inception, the why and way it began and evolved, its reception at conventions and the entire Team Synergy Cosplay that travels to conventions with them.
We then wandered into how HB Comics came to be, how it is to work with your brother and, amazingly, how they finish each other’s sentences (I have seen it and it’s quite amazing). We attempted to pry out of Alan what the newest secret project from HB is, to no avail.
Check out the Kickstarter and make sure to check them out online or at a convention soon. We missed you, Alan.
Enjoy the madness.
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BONUS FEATURE: Our interview with The Cosplay Team Synergy.
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