TalkCast 480 – The Dinosaurs Didn’t Have A Space Program And Look Where It Got Them!

Edward M. Lerner

Smart, original and snappy science fiction is a rare commodity today. Rarer still is the author who can converse about it. Meet Edward M, Lerner and get the chance to know a bit about him, who he is and his work as we explore him, his background and his latest novel, Deja Doomed. It’s fun to be able to have a conversation not just about the work but also about its contextual relevance within current science as well as looking forward in the most positive of ways….. maybe.

The mixed bag of science fiction and futurism are solidly intertwined in Deja Doomed, a beautifully crafted thriller set in the near future. Join us as we discuss the book, our future, Nasa, Mars and more.


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Déjà Doomed

Déjà Doomed


TalkCast 479 – Another High Ace

18359444When we first spoke with the writing team known as OE Tearman in January oof 2020 it was to introduce book one of their Aces High, Jokers Wild Dystopian Science Fiction Series. In this episode , we welcome back Olivia and Nonier to talk about book 2 in the series, Call The Bluff as well as the poignant similarities between what we might see in the book and logical extrapolations in current and near society.

The fine line between futurism and crying wolf is tightroped as we walk through this stunningly uncomfortable future and get the chance to talk with the protagonists of this world, touching on the many themes proliferate this series.

Everybody knows the war is over

Everybody knows the good guys lost

Everybody knows the fight was fixed

The poor stay poor, and the rich get rich

That’s how it goes

And everybody knows



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TalkCast 478 – There Wolf! (with apologies to Marty Feldman).

Mark Leslie

Mark Leslie

Once upon a time there was a werewolf, who sometimes wasn’t a very good one. It really wasn’t his fault, because as most of his ilk, he was a victim of circumstance. Meet Michael Andrews, protagonist of The Canadian Werewolf Series  written by tonight’s guest the very smart and funny Mark Leslie. We got the chance to pick his brain and talk about book three in the series,  “Fear and Longing in Los Angeles”, which is engaging, funny as well as a damn good story with some very interesting characters and settings, both real and fictional which lent to some interesting story’s.

Mark brings much of himself into his work and that made the interview much more interesting. From his time in NYC to his personal relationship to the music of Alicia Witt, if comes through in the execution of this incredibly intense and yet wonderfully wacky werewolf love story. Oh yeah, did I mention  it’s also a love story? Well, it is, most emphatically.

Please  enjoy the conversation as much as we did.


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Fear and Longing in Los Angeles

Fear and Longing in Los Angeles


TalkCast 477- More Wales Watching with Marie Powell

712v1UY1zSL._SX800_How does one get lost in their own interview? I have to admit, it was easy in this one. Marie Powell came by to take with us about her personal journey of discovery which began with an ancestral inquiry into her own Welsh background and culminated into this marvelous duology, Watersight (Last Of The Gifted); a project a monumental journey which took her over 15 years. Throughout this time the look into her past became her passion project and her growth into this wonderful fantasy/historical passion project which blossomed into the magical “Last Of The Gifted” world; part history, part fantasy and part pure magic from her mind.

Enjoy the conversation as it meanders over the Welsh countryside, both real and imaginary. What comes next for The Gifted?


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TalkCast 476 – The Blood and The Finger

018ef1c63fdea267d2612f196ff0e263_original.png.What is a sequel? Is book two in a series a continuation of the story or an expansion of the characters? In this episode we get the chance to talk again with Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz as he brings us book two of his Kickstarter funded series, Area 51: The Helix Project. The fledgling writer has come a long way from his first project and this book shows wonderful depth and growth. It was great fun to talk with Trev about the growth he has made in both characters and story along the way in anticipation in the remaining books of the story arc. 

Has the creative process changed for him? What has Kickstarter done to the process? Has it helped or hurt….or both? How will Kickstarter change the way in which the remaining four issues are presented? We got the chance to talk about how the pandemic has made it virtually impossible to fund this project any other way.

It was also a lot of fun to talk about some of Trevors ideas for upcoming projects once this arc for Area 51 is completed, just so you don’t get the idea that he is a one trick pony. I think it’s safe to say, we have a lot more to look forward to from this talented young creator. Enjoy the chaos.


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TalkCast 475 – Yog-Sothothory For Dummies and Cultists

51qGyVVNgzL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_There are times when you find yourself in the deep end of the swimming pool without your water wings. Welcome to TalkCast 475, in which Dome finds himself uncomfortable ensconsconsed between two friends, co-host Commander Cam and guest C.T. Phipps, far more knowledgeable than he is upon this evening’s subject, i.e., Yog-Sothoth. And… a good time was had by all as I got the chance to ask a ton of stupid questions and we all got to have a ton of laughs about the myth and mythos of Lovcraftian weirdness in this newest creation including simply hysterically wild, wierd and utterly outstandingly brilliant stories by wonderdful authors including C.T and his friends Matthew Davenport, David Hambling, David Niall Wilson and David J. West.

Learning about Lovecraft is a lot like trying to sculpt with water in that nothing is really real or ever actually true or even really pronounceable. I found myself both lost and giggling and having more fun just listening than I had in quite a long time. I surely hope you will too.

Enjoy the Mountains Of Madness.


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Talkcast 474 – Space Aliens Don’t Cry by Bruce and Dumm

71WNlv7EOxL._AC_UY436_QL65_In this Talkcast, we once again meet up with part-time paranormal instigator and full time interesting guy Bruce Olav Soldheim to talk about his latest work Snarc, the Graphic Novel, not to be confused with Snarc , The Comic, which we talked about in TalkCast 439. This is a whole new and different Snarc…. Well not entirely new and different, instead it is a continuation, so to speak, of the non linear story, if you will of the odyssey of of our innocent bumbling alien invader and his talking stick as they stumble across the space and time of planet earth in a Schrodingers rock tumbler.In a very real sense, I get the feeling that this is how Bruce is most  of the time. The interview is really about as non-linear as the book so one is a good indication of the other; fun, light, enjoyable and yet there is meaning to be gleaned under the candy shell.

So, sit back, enjoy the nonlinear byplay and find the underlying history that brings you to the improbable futures of Snarc.


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TalkCast 473 – When Something Works…. Fix it.

Anvil-Issue-01-coverOn this edition, it’s all about evolution. About two years ago we got to meet Scot and Jane Noel as they began their process of building the passion project of a magazine of science fiction that they had alway wanted; Dreamforge a magazine of hope and positivism able to balance out the current wave of dystopian futurism (excuse the editorial slant of this writer….). I personally loved the idea, its concept, and execution and was, from inception, a vocal supporter.

And then, covid hit. And with it, jobs were  lost, the mail system was gutted, and with the economy sagging a new model had to be found for Dreamforge to continue to survive economically. Scot and Jane Noel join us to talk about the reimagination of Dreamforge Anvil as an online presence, how it will be similar and different from its predecessor, why they were forced to change it and why they believe it is an improvement.


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TalkCast 472 – The Haunting Mind

Jennifer Anne Gordon

Jennifer Anne Gordon

In this episode we get to once again talk again with Jennifer Anne Gordon about more of her art. First and foremost we talk about her gothic novel Beautiful, Frightening and Silent, a multi layered, multi-set  novel which is unique both in scope and style. We got to spend time discussing characters and development and how the pandemic may have influenced both. It’s fun picking Jens brain because you come to realize she writes much how she thinks which led to some very interesting and wonderful conversation

Afterwards the discussion meandered onto other subjects which may have included her painting, her photography, her “arrest record” and her Podcast, aptly titled Vox Vomitous. An hour is far too short a time to spend with such a talented lady, so we hope to have her on much more often.

Until then next time, enjoy Dagger Island again……….(cue the blood)


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TalkCast 471 – A Refreshing Book About Death

Marc Watson

Marc Watson

Why not welcome back Marc Watson, as we talk about the first book he ever wrote? OK, we  do that in tonight’s episode for a number of reasons.  First, Death Dresses Poorly is a damn good read, fresh, funny and very original. Second, Marc wanted to come on to tale about it for another reason. Third, it’s always fun to talk to Marc and fourth, We get to choose the guests….so there.

So, Marc’s first novel is an absolute hayride to hell and back and held our interest from the very first paragraph. Dear G/god, it is so unlike all his other work, which made it all the more entertainment , improbable and wonderful to absorb and enjoy. There was literally and figuratively not a wasted paragraph or parable to be had amongst the chapters; with characters both stunningly arrogant and beautiful. But the odd thing was He really didn’t want to talk much about a 4 year old book(only kinda kidding). What he was really on to talk about was how the pandemic had stunted his creativity and how he had found the workaround to it.

Said workaround was for him to teach himself how to create an audiobook,,,,  and no. not have a company do an audiobook for him but actually create the book from start to finish himself for Dearth Dresses Poorly. So we talked about what that process was like. We talked about negotiating that idea with his publisher. We talked about building a recording space in a closet in his home. We talked about Mystic Water Park. We talked about Kicking Horse Coffee (the coffee that gets 2 thumbs up from Death itself).

Enjoy the *Puget Plunge (*Copyright review underway)


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