What is a sequel? Is book two in a series a continuation of the story or an expansion of the characters? In this episode we get the chance to talk again with Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz as he brings us book two of his Kickstarter funded series, Area 51: The Helix Project. The fledgling writer has come a long way from his first project and this book shows wonderful depth and growth. It was great fun to talk with Trev about the growth he has made in both characters and story along the way in anticipation in the remaining books of the story arc.
Has the creative process changed for him? What has Kickstarter done to the process? Has it helped or hurt….or both? How will Kickstarter change the way in which the remaining four issues are presented? We got the chance to talk about how the pandemic has made it virtually impossible to fund this project any other way.
It was also a lot of fun to talk about some of Trevors ideas for upcoming projects once this arc for Area 51 is completed, just so you don’t get the idea that he is a one trick pony. I think it’s safe to say, we have a lot more to look forward to from this talented young creator. Enjoy the chaos.
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