Marc Watson
Why not welcome back Marc Watson, as we talk about the first book he ever wrote? OK, we do that in tonight’s episode for a number of reasons. First, Death Dresses Poorly is a damn good read, fresh, funny and very original. Second, Marc wanted to come on to tale about it for another reason. Third, it’s always fun to talk to Marc and fourth, We get to choose the guests….so there.
So, Marc’s first novel is an absolute hayride to hell and back and held our interest from the very first paragraph. Dear G/god, it is so unlike all his other work, which made it all the more entertainment , improbable and wonderful to absorb and enjoy. There was literally and figuratively not a wasted paragraph or parable to be had amongst the chapters; with characters both stunningly arrogant and beautiful. But the odd thing was He really didn’t want to talk much about a 4 year old book(only kinda kidding). What he was really on to talk about was how the pandemic had stunted his creativity and how he had found the workaround to it.
Said workaround was for him to teach himself how to create an audiobook,,,, and no. not have a company do an audiobook for him but actually create the book from start to finish himself for Dearth Dresses Poorly. So we talked about what that process was like. We talked about negotiating that idea with his publisher. We talked about building a recording space in a closet in his home. We talked about Mystic Water Park. We talked about Kicking Horse Coffee (the coffee that gets 2 thumbs up from Death itself).
Enjoy the *Puget Plunge (*Copyright review underway)
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