Tag Archives: Iron Man

TalkCast 324 – Josh Dahl

Josh Dahl is the creator of Rapid City Below Zero Comic. He drops in, in the middle of a business meeting, to talk about his KickStarter for Issue #5 of Rapid City Below Zero, which wraps up the story arc for his Book #1. He also talks about his giveaway of Episodes 1 thru 4, […]

TalkCast 116 – Resa Nelson Returns

Facebook poll: According to our listeners the best movie of 2011 was Super 8. Robert Downey Jr.’s plans for Iron Man III. J.J.Abrams revelas more about Star Trek 2. New Star Wars live action TV show to be named Underworld. Invent the real Star Trek Tricorder to win the next X Prize. Fox announces the end of […]

TalkCast 60 – Samantha Boyette

RIP Dino DeLaurentiis Steve Moffat adding sexual tension to Dr. Who Website of the Week: Our Valued Customers. DC Comics claims Monthly’s are dying, Graphic Novels are the key to the future. Obscene and Heard, new game: The Marvel Brothel. Fringe – The Number Stations. The Walking Dead  renewed.  Zombies would clap if their flesh […]

Waldo Redux

In 1942 Bob Heinlein wrote a novella called Waldo, not as in “where the hell is he”, but more along the lines of a mechanical genius exiled from humanity. The protagonist, Waldo Farnsworth-Jones suffers from Myasthenia Gravis (MG)  and becomes the penultimate inventor devising mechanical devices to overcome the shortcomings of his ravaged body. His […]

SCUD, Conan & Skrulls

 It’s been a week now, and everyone’s still buzzing about how great Iron Man: The Movie was.  Not only that, but the previews for the new Batman, Hulk & Hellboy flicks look amazingly good, making me thank God for the umpteenth time that I lived long enough to see great special effects and supervillains in […]

IRON MAN starring Morton Downey, Jr.

So, last night, I’m vegging in front of the TV, watching the Daily Show. Between the continuing Senator Craig Jokes and the continuing Iraq jokes, they push to a commercial break…….AND THERE IT IS…………. The two minute trailer for IRON MAN, opening May 2008. I was enthralled and went scrambling for my laptop to see what was on the net…….

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