This is part 2 of a 3 part series about what’s going on in the Sci Fi Network, what’s working, what isn’t and what’s making me flip to the Game Show Network.
Doctor Who
I am so annoyed, so annoyed.
I am gonna break this down into good and bad for you.
The scripts and story arcs are so very well done!
The cinematography is outstanding.
The special effects can be breathtaking.
2 Doctors in 3 seasons-3 Companions in 3 seasons
Just as I was getting to really like Chris Eccleston, BOOM, he’s gone and replaced with a completely different Doctor as portrayed by David Tennant. Then, just as I was adjusting to the differing relationship between Doctors 9 and 10 with Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) BOOM AGAIN, she is killed and is replaced by Martha Jones ( Freema Agyeman) who I am just getting to like a lot (and you will love in the season endgame spanning 3 episodes) and then, BOOM, she is about to be replaced by……..sigh…….Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)(btw, I already don’t like her, I am mad enough that Rose is gone, so don’t get me started, OK?)