One of the things we love best about attending Comic Book Conventions are the people we get to meet. We get to sit down with them in person and have fun conversations that never make it on to the podcast. But these conversations never seem to do more than scratch the surface of who the person is that we were talking to. Such is not the case with this podcast.
We have on the podcast Rusty Gilligan, a face we see frequently at many cons and we get plenty of opportunities to talk to. Once the conversation began, we truly had no idea where it was going to begin. Not in our wildest dreams did we think we would start with Rusty as a child actor in Broadway musicals and movies and television in the 60’s and 70’s and how that led to his first real art assignment of the 1981 movie Heavy Metal. What a long strange trip it was from them to now. Oh, and did we happen to mention his 2 cat buddies, Mack and Trouble and how they rescued his life from professional wrestling? Of course we didn’t, but he did. So, there was that, and then there was also what he has been doing recently, so we got to talk about a few of his current Indiegogo projects and how Indiegogo has become the goto sales vehicle for artists and artisans during the pandemic.
In a way, we learned a ton of stuff about Rusty, but our guess is we have just scratched the surface. Check out his work and enjoy the chaos.
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