THE OPPENHEIMER ALTERNATIVE is an Alternate history novel by Robert J. Sawyer. The best part of an alternate history novel is when it is firmly founded in hard fact. one in which the historical accuracy of its roots is inviolate. The second best part is the moment at which it deviates and you’re not quite sure where it is. Welcome to the wonderful biography of Robert Oppenheimer written by Robert J. Sawyer which becomes one of the most amazing alternate histories ever written. Four years between research and publication this tome is a serious masterwork within the genre.
And, man, is Rob fun to talk to. As specific and descriptive as his prose is, so is his discussion and narrative. We could and SHOULD have talked for hours, and as it was much more was left unsaid. There are so many more things I wanted to ask and I hope so many more he wanted to say. Our hope is to have him back. As for you, Check out this book and then check out all the rest of his books as well because once you open the box…well….you know what happens to the cat, right?
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What if….. Heisenberg knew how fast his car was going AND where he was?
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