From time to time here on Sci Fi Saturday Night, we take a jump to the left. We put aside science fiction for the world of science fact. Every time we do we realize that the lines between the two blurs, which is as it should be. Good science fiction should be predicated in, and predictive of the future. Much like Star Trek communicators and tricorders foreshadowed into the age of tablets and smartphones or robots who are getting closer and closer R. Daneel Olivaw, Siri and Watson. And now we have time travel…sort of
In this episode we meet Gisella Bustillos, a filmmaker with an early passion for science fiction who has created a documentary, A Brief History of Time Travel. Starting with some of the earliest fables and stories written about time travel, many far earlier than most would guess, she moves the viewer with ease on a journey from the past ,to pop culture and current scientific theory. After that she expands the scope of concepts of time travel, to such far reaching areas as computer science, transcendental meditation, cryogenics and communication through time. With all of this she still manages to capture the human element of what drives some people to study time travel. This documentary covers a broad scope of topics, much like our interview with her.
We look forward to what her next creation will be. Enjoy this podcast and take the time to enjoy her documentary.
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