TalkCast 444 – The Many Worlds of Jay Mooers

Autumn Grey

Autumn Grey

In 2014 the comic world was introduced to The Twisted World of Jay Mooers’ Autumn Grey. At that point it was the beginnings of an interesting story about a place, kinda like here but kinda not…an in-between world that existed somewhere in the periphery of your vision…just when you think you see it, it blinks away. Over the intervening years, as the story grew the glimpses became more solid, the characters more real, the stories more substantive, as did Jay’s work in general. 

In this episode we talk about issue 8, Collusion.  In this ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS SHOW, we do spend a good amount of time talking about the evolution of the story line from its inception to today, as well as where the final 2 episodes will carry the reader to. We also discuss the ways in which Jays has changed stylistically over the course of this story as well as in his other works.

Art in the time of Covid 19 is a particularly difficult subject for a myriad of reasons and as much as  from an interviewer’s p.o.v. I tend not to bring it up. In this case I thought it was appropriate to do so…so I did. We  like Jay and his work a lot. Enjoy the chaos.


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