TalkCast 424 – The Monitors Guild Book Two

Peter Vinton Jr.

Peter Vinton Jr.

It was Ben Bova who said that “Science Fiction is simply history that hasn’t happened yet”. In this edition, we get a true glimpse of that as we talk with our old friend Peter Vinton Jr. Artist, writer, historian and bibliophile, Peter joins the ‘Cast to talk about Volume two of his social allegory passion project,

The Monitor’s Guild – Book Two:The Signing of the Declaration of Independence. Part history, part science fiction part urban fantasy, part spy thriller and part political parable, Volume Two of his dystopian cautionary tale has just come out. We got the chance to talk about the myriad aspects of past present and future that, from a writing standpoint, make this book wonderful. We also talked about his artwork in the book and the depth and detail in each panel.

In other news, Peter and I reminisced about out first meetings at the former Boston Comic Con and what has happened since then. He also spoke about some signings he had done at some of his childhood comic stores including The Million Year Picnic.

It was a wonderful conversation, I hope you enjoy it.


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The Monitor's Guild Book Two

The Monitor’s Guild Book Two

TalkCast 423 – Jane Lindskold & Scot Noel

Scot Noel

Scot Noel

In this episode we get another look behind the curtain of Dreamforge – A Magazine of Science and Fantasy Fiction. Once again wed get to speak with Scott Noel about how this project has evolved as Issue #3 comes out this month and work begins on Issue 4 in the never-ending cycle of publishing a quarterly magazine. The passion project begun by Scot and his wife Jane grows more involved with each issue: with a myriad of new story’s, exquisite artwork and glimpses in the mirror world of  what is currently trending dystopian science fiction.

This is due in no small part to our second guest, “Senior Advisor & Creative Consultant” for Dreamforge and

Jane Lindskold

Jane Lindskold

world-renowned writer Jane Lindskold. While Jane began her writing career in 1992 her volumes of critically acclaimed work is simply amazing. She has written a number of Novel series including

  • The Anthor Series
  • The Firekeeper Saga
  • Breaking The Wall
  • Artemis Awakening series
  • And countless more individual short stories, novels and book series.

Volume 3 of Dreamforge includes a new (and the only) short story in The Firekeeper universe and is simply wonderful. It works very well as a stand-alone and provides the reader with a glimpse into a truly magical future that resides in the novels.

Join us for a fun evening  with two very bright and interesting friends of the show.

Enjoy the chaos.


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TalkCast 422 – A Very Merry Granite-Con Preview & Richard Paolinelli

GraniteCon 2019

GraniteCon 2019

In this episode we get a chance to have a quick conversation with Chris Proulx, mastermind extraordinaire behind Granite State Comic Con. With less than a week to go, he took a few moments from his busy schedule to sit down with us at Double Midnight Comics in Manchester, NH (where all good Granite Cons come from) and get the word on what’s new and different this year.



Then we got to speak with another long time friend of the show (with yet another unpronounceable name), Richard Paolinelli.

Richard Paolinelli

Richard Paolinelli

Ostensibly Richard was here to talk about a multitude of new projects he is currently involved in but , as usually happens , we got a bit sidetracked , so we spent most of the time talking about his new “not really a Sci Fi novel, not really a Fantasy novel”, When The Gods Fell. This is a fantastic piece of work and making the interview spoiler free was one of the most difficult interviews I have done in a long time, but well worth the effort. We also had a few moments to talk about his experience with Patreon and what he is now doing to bring readers in to his Scifiscribe website.

Richard is always fun to talk to. Enjoy the chaos.


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When The Gods Fell

When The Gods Fell

TalkCast 421 – CalmPassion

Adam Wilsonn

Adam Wilson

In part one of this episode we get to speak with Adam Wilson who runs an organization aptly  called



Calm Passion. The purpose of CalmPassion is to allow helps make events sensory friendly to support Autism and Neurodiverse families. I got the chance to meet Adam at Plastic City Comic Con and we spent some time talking about what his mission statement was and I must admit, I was more than a little intrigued by the idea. Adam and the cast got the chance to sit down and talk about all the whys and hows and their plans for the future of this unique and wonderful group. In the upcoming months you will be able to find them at Granite State Comicon, Rhode Island Comic Con and Kids Con in Portland, ME.


The Mad Scientist's Cabinet of Curated Chimera

The Mad Scientist’s Cabinet of Curated Chimera

In part two, we bring another segment from Colby Elliot’s wonderful new audio book, The Mad Scientist’s Cabinet of Curated Chimera ( I got your bill for the new flooring in the Area 51 studio. The czech is in the mail.)


Enjoy the controlled chaos.


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TalkCast 420 – (insert Joke here)

Colby Elliot

Colby Elliot

My real purpose of going to conventions is networking (actually, the real REAL purpose is to find cool stuff to buy but more about that another time). Plastic City Comic Con is one of those one day Micro-Cons where networking is easy, fun and enjoyable, getting to see old friends and meeting new ones as well. So, Imagine my surprise when my friend Colby Elliot of Last Word Audio Studios sauntered by the booth and we gabbed liked we hadn’t seen each other in months (actually, we hadn’t seen each other in months , so…)

We talked for a while and then said this conversation would make a good show and so, welcome to 420. In this episode we talk about his newest audio creations The Mad Scientist’s Cabinet of Curated Chimera, his upcoming travel plans, his own personal podcast ‘Geekery and Wine‘, his newest ideas and he even brags about helping to renovations in Area 51.

(Thanks for the help with installing the new flooring)


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The Mad Scientist's Cabinet of Curated Chimera

The Mad Scientist’s Cabinet of Curated Chimera



An Important Message From Dome…

fun for liz

Jamie and Liz

Hey Everybody,

Its always sad when we find out one of our fellow geeks has fallen ill. It is exponentially sadder when it is the child of one of them, I got an email, to be honest one of a series of continuing emails from friend of the show Jamie Chambers of Signalfire Studios. His 19 year old daughter, Elizabeth, is struggling with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, an ugly sounding series of words. Let me quote from his email to me.

Short Version: Liz is recovering from a bone marrow stem cell transplant for a form of leukemia most often found in young children. This fundraiser assists our family with bills, medical expenses not covered by insurance, transportation down to Northside Atlanta, food, and sometimes just fun treats like movies and music. Liz got great news from her re-staging last month! This means a slow transition toward something resembling “normal life” for her, me, and our family. (Please note that we know many are struggling and there are zero expectations for anyone to donate. Sharing our links, donating blood products, joining the bone marrow donor registry, and assisting patients in your local communities are other ways you can help!)

Long Version: My name is Jamie. My daughter Elizabeth had her second bone marrow stem cell transplant on February 22nd of this year in her roller-coaster treatment of blood cancer that began in early 2016. During her treatment and with our family situation it’s very difficult for me to work very much, so donations go toward helping make up that gap with family expenses as well as to cover any expenses not covered by her insurance (including gas, tolls, parking, food during daily clinic visits, etc.). We also use the money for things to keep her spirits up (movies, music, gifts, treats) and her supply bag stocked. No gift is too small, and weappreciate every gesture including the sharing of our links or keeping my daughter in your thoughts and prayers. If you’d like to donate an Amazon gift card so Liz can order items, please send them to: jamie1km (at) gmail (dot) com . If you’d like to send a card or physical gift to Liz, you can do so here: Liz Chambers c/o Signal Fire Studios 2265 Roswell Rd, Ste 100 Marietta, GA 30062 And if you’re local and would like to do something amazing, we encourage you to donate blood products—specifically plasma and especially platelets via Atlanta Blood Services. (You can search for them here on Facebook for more information.) Be sure to mention her name — Elizabeth Chambers — when you donate as she gets perks for people who give. As Liz’s treatments continue she will need transfusions and the supply is always limited. Prayers, well-wishes-, happy thoughts, and good vibes are always appreciated. Encouraging notes are best done in comments here on the fundraiser or over on her website —— as tons of direct messages from people she doesn’t know can get overwhelming, though she truly loves and appreciates them all. Thank you to everyone who has been so wonderful to our family. We never feel alone—much love to you all!

All our love goes out to Elizabeth and all who have circled the wagons in support.

Prayers, well-wishes, happy thoughts, and good vibes are always appreciated.

Thanks  for reading.

TalkCast 419 – Hey Everybody , It’s a Clip Show!!


Welcomed to TalkCast 410. This episode is a “clip show“. What, you may ask, is a “clip show“? Well, to put it in non-podcasters terms, a “clip show” is a show with a bunch of clips, in this case audio, that we haven’t used before (seems kind of obvious now the I explained it, huh?). Just how did this “clip show” come about, you ask (my, you do ask a lot of questions, don’t you?)? This came about because of two things.

Barbara Friedlander

Barbara Friedlander

First, at Plastic City Comic Con we had a perfectly lovely interview with one of their special guests Barbara Friedlander, A DC Comic legend from the Silver Age. When the interview finished and we realized we didn’t have a guest for ‘cast 419, our convention crew, Cam and Trav, said hey, why don’t we use an audio clip of this interview. After much consideration (less than 30 seconds) I said, well yeah, it was really fun so lets do that but we don’t usually do a short ‘cast.


Which brings us to the second happenstance, Colby Elliot and his new audio book ‘The

Mad Scientist’s Cabinet of Curated Chimera’.  We had scheduled Colby to be on ‘cast 420 (no pun intended) and he had said “feel free to use portions of the book to kind of showcase what it’s all about, in fact maybe even at some point use some of the audio book I did for Sci Fi Saturday Night, ‘My Peculiar Family’ if you want to.”

So, I did!


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The Mad Scientist's Cabinet of Curated Chimera

The Mad Scientist’s Cabinet of Curated Chimera

TalkCast 418 – What to do in Fitchburg at A Convention with Karen

Karen Gosselin

Karen Gosselin


In this episode we get to visit with one of the shows oldest friends, artist, writer and astonishing creative talent Karen Gosselin. We get to talk with her about her second year attending the Illustrators Master Class. Based on her description of the week, it would seem as if she has both a wonderfully creative time. If you want to see some of the end result of what she accomplished there be sure to check out the SFSN Table at Plastic City Comic Con on July 13th.  and say hello to our very special guest.

You will also get the opportunity to see and meet some other amazing people and vendors, including:

And a gajillion or so others

Please head on down for a fun day.

Any conversation with Karen is always fun.

Welcome to the 5 Timers Club Karen.


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Official Five Timer's Club Member

Official Five Timer’s Club Member

TalkCast 417 – Joseph Paradis Invents New Worlds

Joseph Paradis

Joseph Paradis

When you go to Author Expo’s or conventions you can meet tons of diverse people and if you’re foolish enough to “judge a book by its cover” or in this case “an author by his looks”, you may sometimes ‘have gravely misjudged the situation’.

Meet Joseph Paradis. We spoke at a meeting a few months back and I’m not sure what it was that I expected when I received his book but what ever my expectations were it was most certainly NOT Saving The Dark Side – The Devotion. To explain, when you listen to our conversation on this ‘cast, Joe is a very likeable, dynamic, personable kind of guy with a genuine warmth and pleasant air about him. The conversation we had at the Expo was very nice and relaxed, albeit brief, as conversations in this type of setting usually are.

So Joe created this universe and introduces us to its main character, Cole. When he was 3 years old he began to “disappear”. First for hours and then days at a time and never had any idea where he had gone. Joe slowly brings the reader jarringly through his childhood to the point at which Cole disappears from earth completely  into a series of events that continue to test and teach him about what he is truly capable of.

Some books take your hand and gently guide you through a plot; others drop you in the middle of nowhere and force you to figure it out. This book punches you in the face again and again, and is compelling enough to make you want more and more. I warn you now; the reader will be coerced to root for Cole no matter what and you should. The book is that well written.

Enjoy the book

Enjoy the conversation

Enjoy the chaos


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Saving The Darkside Book One - the Devotion

Saving The Darkside
Book One – the Devotion

Click HERE for a free copy of his introductory short story to this universe Her Gift For YouScreen Shot 2019-07-04 at 3.19.10 PM

TalkCast 416 – A Short Novella With a Long Title

Curtis Lawson

Curtis M. Lawson

Doug Rinaldi

Doug Rinaldi

If the title of your upcoming novella is ‘Those Who Go Forth Into The Empty Place Of Gods”, it had

better live up to it’s name. Even more so when one of the collaborators in the effort is friend of the show Curtis Lawson. To talk about this book , Curtis brought along his co-conspirator Doug Rinaldi.

Without giving away anything about this powerful, playful, horror filled and utterly charming novella, it combines aspects of television game shows, pop culture, The Princess Bride and Ghostbusters, while maintaining a “pulpy diorama of gore”. The conversation centered around:

  • The nature of the novella
  • How and why it became what it is
  • Was it as much fun to write as it is to read
  • How the two co-writers in arms met
  • What was their particular collaboration like
  • When can we expect more

All in all, this was one of the most relaxing conversations we have ever had. It is decidedly rare when one gets to read a book that asks the question: “Is my body nothing more than a decade old McDonald’s hamburger found in a jacket pocket?

Enjoy the chaos.


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Those Who Go Forth into the Empty Place of Gods

Those Who Go Forth into the Empty Place of Gods Cover Art by Matthew Revert



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