Monthly Archives: January 2011


Title:  THE MASKED GIRL (2006) Format: DVD As far as I can tell, this is the pilot for a phenomenally bad TV show.  Don’t take my word for it — here’s the description from the back of the DVD, verbatim: “Brilliant sporty girls strangely vanished… In fact, they became captives of a horror organization: The […]

TalkCast 68 – The Slow March To Boston Begins

Tonight we interview Nicole Hansche and talk about her upcoming Boston ComiCon appearance and her other plans. Also: Anne Hathaway as the newest Catwoman. Jughead vs. The Comic Code. Fringe returns with homage to The Muppets and Twin Peaks. NBC picks up Wonder Woman. Judge Dread (and boy am I). Web Shooters? Seriously? The latest […]

Dr. Susan Calvin, I Presume?

In 1950 Alan Turing devised a series of tests, which have come to be known as The Turing Test. This test tries to formulate a philosophical basis for the question, “Can a machine convince a human that it is human simply by intellectual interaction?” or, “Can a machine think?”  As sick as one can get […]

Talkcast 67 – Cealdian, The Celtic Myth Renewed

The Week’s News: No Wonder Woman for TV or Film, for now. Game of Thrones premieres April 17th. Hobbit News: Elijah Wood and David Tennant rumored. YouTube Doctor Who channel. Falling Skies, The Cape and Terra Nova coming to TV. David Fincher talks Rendezvous with Rama and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Dark Tower News […]

TalkCast 66 – The call of the Alaskan Marian and other Geek Oddities.

2010 Year In Review Part II (Because there were so many unanswered questions in Part 1) Worst Comic/Graphic Novel: Dome: Models, Inc. Java: Chaos War: Thor Dru: Titans: Villains for Hire Dead Redhead: End of Ex Machina/Restart of Wonder Woman Illustrator X:  Too many to count Best Surprise Of the Year: Dome: Clare Kramer/Mercedes McNabb […]

Luke-san, I Am Your Father

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present for your information and edification, UltraMan Zero, The Movie. In Japanese, with no subtitles….as it should be, this is why they do this best. Relax, crack open a Sapporo and enjoy.

Dune Retrospective

I recently decided to watch the Dune movie for the first time from beginning to end it was with the kind of trepidation that a true fan always has toward another take on a story they love. I knew the movie was bad, but how bad I didn’t know. I figured that, as with the Lord of the Rings movies and the Star Wars prequels, it was my job to know them. So I sat down with the movie Dune, and the miniseries Dune and Children of Dune, a few beers, and watched. Here is what I learned.

Talkcast 65 – The Binary ‘Cast 1-1-11

A very disjointed look at the year in review. In Part One of 2010 in Review, with our guest Chad Cicconi, we discuss… Best Movie: Dome, Java & Illustrator X: Inception Kriana: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Dru: Iron Man 2 Zombrarian: Jonah Hex (or Mansquito) Dead Redhead: http:Machete/Kickass Chad: Harry Potter […]

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