Tonight we interview Nicole Hansche and talk about her upcoming Boston ComiCon appearance and her other plans. Also:
- Anne Hathaway as the newest Catwoman.
- Jughead vs. The Comic Code.
- Fringe returns with homage to The Muppets and Twin Peaks.
- NBC picks up Wonder Woman.
- Judge Dread (and boy am I).
- Web Shooters? Seriously?
- The latest Frankenweenie news.
- George Lucas and the 2012 Apocalypse.
After the Halftime Show and a surprise appearance by Janet Jackson, we are rejoined by Nicole Hansche. She talks about her art, current projects and upcoming appearances including a special event at Boston ComiCon with the cast of Sci-Fi Saturday Night.
You could be entered to win this stunning print of Wonder Woman by Nicole Hansche. Simply comment on this post and you will automatically be entered into the Wheel of Marsupials. Happy Pouching, Everyone!
“Things To Do In Denver When Your Dead” is one of my favorites. I agree with Illustrator X, that you should see it Kriana.
Man, I love Anne Hathaway, but I can sum up why she shouldn’t be Catwoman in 2 points:
*Looks bad as a blonde.
*Boobs are too small.
Game. Set. Match.
hmmmmmm, 2 thoughts,
1. a wig
2. that amazing amazonian breastplate
I’m still thinkin’ ..a qualified yeah, but that’s just me. Thanx for playin the game tho.
I didn’t say she’s NOT a blonde, I said she looks bad as one. She doesn’t have the coloring for it.
Also, I’m thinking that the kind of bank Dome would want to hang Nicole’s artwork in isn’t so much the kind you make withdrawals from, but rather the kind that only accepts deposits. đŸ˜‰