Monthly Archives: December 2010

“Buddy the Elf, What’s your Favorite Color?”

Season’s Greetings From all of us here at Sci Fi Saturday Night. See you New Year’s Day with a brand new show.


Title:  ZU WARRIROS (aka THE LEGEND OF ZU) (2001) Produced and Directed by:  Tsui Hark Ever been to the fair?  A carnival?  The circus?  You’re treated to a dazzling spectacle, but you don’t exactly get to know the performers.  Same thing goes for ZU WARRIORS, a film by Tsui Hark, often described as the “David […]

TalkCast 64 – 3 Men and a Non-Sparkly Vampire

Where else can you hear bout a Pro Vampire Move? TRON: LEGACY out this weekend. ‘Black Hole’ based short film. (nsfw) YouTube has removed this video, spoilsports! David Fincher will direct 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Syfy Movie Studio? Sharktopus comes to the big screen? Please? SGU Cancelled: Totally called that one. Unreleased footage discovered […]

Thanks For Being Random!

Because of our very rare evening off, there was no TalkCast last Saturday, but we did promise to announce a winner of Eventide by Tracy Hickman. The winner was: RDaneelOlivaw. As every spootie knows…That Was Nuts! We’re back next week to talk with the people involved in one of the few Pro-Vampire movies ever made, […]

It’s A Good Day To Die, Tiny Tim

Just in time for the yuletide season. Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s A Klingon Christmas Carol, currently being performed in Chicago. “A Klingon Christmas Carol” is going to Chicago! from Christopher Kidder on Vimeo. The story of the great warrior Scrooge and his valiant search for redemption can be found here. The production is currently being […]

Syfy does Christmas, hijinks ensue

The one thing missing lately from the corporate and media three ring circus of consumerism that is Christmas, is quality TV Christmas specials. Standard shows have standard plots with a dash of gingerbread or a sprinkle of tinsel, but other than the oft re-run claymation specials, there’s just no pizzazz left in Christmas. That is– […]


Title: Shatnerquake Author:  Jeff Burk Format:  paperback Oh… my… God. Two days later, and my head is still reeling from this book.  Warring factions of Shatner fans facing off against “Campbellians” (they’re all missing their right hands; you do the math) in the mother of all conventions glorifying every single role that the Shat has ever […]

TalkCast 63 – The Dragons Bard Project

RIP Leslie Nielsen, don’t call him Shirley. The Lost Craig Ferguson Dr. Who Opening. Holidays Specials for Dr. Who, Eureka and Warehouse 13. Holiday Goodness! The Walking Dead writers purge rumors and a fond farewell to Season 1. No Ordinary Family fares well on the network scene. Seth Rogan has a good 2 minutes in […]

The Lost Craig Ferguson – Dr. Who Intro

A few weeks back The Late Late Show on CBS did a Dr. Who episode with Matt Smith. Craig Ferguson , in his usual fashion, has written an opening with dancers, puppets and Daleks, a standard opening for the late night show. Moments before air, it was discovered that the show hasn’t received proper clearance […]

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