Monthly Archives: August 2010

Talkcast 49 – Lovecraft and Sons

Dirk Gently special coming to BBC(via den of geek) Wesley Snipes Was Almost Geordi La Forge, and Other Star Trek: TNG Casting Fun [What If](i09) 8th Doctor Movie coming out on DVD! Walking Dead TV show to debut on Halloween; full trailer now available (via comicsbeat) Today is “Read Comics In Public Day” – did […]

MovieWatch – Tron Legacy

A lot has been written about this long awaited sequel, much of it negative, some of it by me. Here’s why: In this day and age, with so much raw material to glean from, why are we remaking/sequeling (is that even a word?) what was at best a 1982 B movie that attempted to be […]

Putting the “suck” in Succubus

Canada gets their very own genre show and its a stone cold killer! Lost Girl is the story of Bo, played by the beautiful Anna Silk as a supernatural being who feeds of the sexual energy of humans. Unable to control her cravings, Bo meets The Fae and struggles to live among humans. HOOKED! First […]

Mutants of the Apocalypse

If you’ve got seven and a half minutes to kill, check out “Mutants of the Apocalypse” — the winner for this year’s Providence 2010 48Hour Film Competition and the most fun you’ll have since the F— Me Ray Bradbury video.  Mutants!  Zombies!  Nazis!  Mutant Nazi Zombies!  Set in the far, far distant future of 2020 […]

Fall Watch – No Ordinary Family

In past talkcasts we discussed upcoming shows and new offerings from the networks. Recently, ABC offered a sneak preview of its Tuesday night show, No Ordinary Family. In the land of no spoilers, I am gonna give you the 411. It stars Michael Chiklis, Julie Benz, Jimmy Bennett and Kay Panabaker as the ‘Ordinary” family. […]

Talkcast 48 – Nick Mayer of LifeNaut Project

Ray Bradbury complains “We’ve got too many internets“! And he gets all the chicks. And listens to them sing to him. News about X-Men First Class news (via Geeks of Doom) Harlan Ellison’s famous disaster Starlost adapted into comics(via io9) IJ5? God, no. No. Noooooooooooo! (via slashfilm) Limited edition BUFFY soda!!!! Our friends at Double […]

Ten Things I Learned at Rifftrax:

1. I need to issue a formal apology to Kriana. She did not have really bad B.O. The guy behind me was just smoking the skunkiest weed in the history of the Earth. Seriously dude, it’s your life, but you should be aware that there’s pot out there that won’t make the people around you […]

Robots are serving ice cream!!!!

The future is here, and it’s troubling me down in my nethers.  Japanese robots are serving ice cream!!  This is exactly the sort of thing I used to dream that the future would hold, but now that I see it… I realize it was a nightmare.  The music doesn’t help one bit.

Are You Kidding Me?

Fan  Intro to Firefly! Too Much fun! This is Dome sayin’: Keep them movie  and TV parodies  coming!

TalkCast 47 – Dr. Frankie B and Elizabeth Terrell in a Tag Team Free For All

We has the bestest fans! Frankie B. Washington’s SFSN fan art Atomic Robo’s Scott Wegener to draw all-ages “Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” Pushing Daisies creator to adapt John Christopher’s THE LOTUS EATERS for SyFy August 28th is Read Comic In Public Day! To, um, you know… get people to read comics. In public. We invite […]

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