Monthly Archives: July 2010

TalkCast 45- This Avatar Isn’t Blue

Tonight on Sci Fi Saturday Night: Elizabeth Terrell and Andrew Marnik from Browncoat’s Redemption A Review for Saturday Fright Special Spooktacular. Superman saves a family home from foreclosure (via Fox news) Frank Miller drops Batman from latest Batman graphic novel. Nick Cave rewriting script for latest Crow movie. The Lost Room is coming to comic […]

Touching Green Lantern Video from SDCC

A pint sized Green Lantern fan asks Ryan Reynolds to recite the Green Lantern Oath, adorableness ensues.

Talkcast 44 – Godzilla? Damn Right, Godzilla

Our guets this week are Steve Bissette and Elizabeth Terrell. Our show started off with more than the usual series of techno-glitches but began to warm up with discussion of ComiCon and The SDCC “God Hates Fags” counterprotest (via i09). Nathan Fillion discussed not being in the new Avengers movie (via comicbookmovie) and Joss is […]

R.I.P. Talkshoe

In a few short hours the next episode of Sci-Fi Saturday Night will be recorded live – on uStream. After much deliberation, hemming and hawing, and dare I say, curmudeoning, we have decided to cease broadcasting over TalkShoe. There are a couple of reasons for this, the most major being the quality of the show. […]

Our New Look and …. why am I not in San Diego?

Without much fanfare, we’d like to welcome the completely spiffified look of Sci-Fi Saturday Night! As we have grown in the past year, it became clear to the entire staff that the time had come for a change. Over the next few months we are gonna be rolling out a bunch of new changes (because […]

Talkcast 43 – Zombies and Cheerleaders and Browncoats, Oh My!

Tonight’s Talkcast brings us Frankie B. Washington and Elizabeth Terrell from Browncoats Redemption. EW has first real pix of Green Lantern, also on Bleeding Cool. Is Johnny Depp the new Barnabas Collins? R.I.P. hard science fiction writer James P. Hogan. Check out AMC’s upcoming zombie miniseries Walking Dead. Our first guest, Elizabeth Terrell from Browncoats […]

Talkcast 42 – It’s Tesla’s Birthday

Its happy birthday to Dru, Peter Vinton and Nikola Tesla! You can now listen to Browncoats Redemption: Live Q&A sessions every Thursday on uStream. On Warehouse 13, H. G. Wells is a WOMAN, the Escher Vault is kinda cheesy but cool. On Eureka – 1940’s time travel, and now they’ve changed the world. Take Cover! […]

New Features and What am I reading?

It was gently but firmly suggested to me that we here at Sci-Fi Saturday Night add referral links to our posts and show notes, in order to gain a bit of revenue from you, the listener. Here’s how it works: When we mention a book or other type of media we will link to […]

Talkcast 41 – Our Third of July Spectacular

Our special guests for the 3rd. of July Mike Dougherty and Miriam Pultro from Browncoats Redemption. The Four Colour Vault of Comics was over run by some of our devoted fans and Empress Sith and Mr. Washey came by to talk about some of the burning Sci-Fi issues of the week. Discussion began with Wonder […]

Browncoats Redemption- A Big Damn Review

Let’s start out with a few disclaimers. I am getting nothing for writing this, no money has changed hands. Second, yes I am a Whedon fanboy, no question. Third I am basing this review on a rough cut, with the final cut due at DragonCon, so let’s let the chips fall where they may. As […]

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