Monthly Archives: November 2007

Blade Runner VS The Wizard Of Oz

No. it’s not better than Alien vs Predator,…….. or maybe it is.

Welcome to Irregular Wednesdays !

Irregular Wednesdays will be a new feature here at your one stop shop for Sci Fi rants and information, welcome to todays edition,” Battlestar Galactica Razor”.

How to get Negative Ratings or Goodbye Bionic Bunny

I know I have been down on this show since the Upfronts, and not without cause.

The Writers Strike-A Pathetic Story

Folks, I am not asking you to turn off your TV sets or stop watching your favorite shows. If you live in NYC or Hollywood,  show some support for some of the least well paid people in the industry.

We’re Back-New and Improved-Now with No Chemical Additives.

Yes, we’re back. Sorry for the long delay but MAJOR PROPS  to Kriana for  moving us to a new hosting agent when our old one killed us off, without losing anything. Also, thanx and a tip of the hat to our friends across the pond, who were instrumental working with Kriana on the new interface. […]

Podcast #9: A Very Special Celebrity Interview

Hi and welcome to the brand new Sci Fi Saturday night website! To celebrate our grand re-opening and the defeat of the Cybermen, the Dome has perused his super secret collection and pulled out a rare celebrity interview. The subject of this interview is Betty Hill, who with her deceased husband, Barney, are some of […]

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