Welcome to Irregular Wednesdays !

Irregular Wednesdays will be a new feature here at your one stop shop for Sci Fi rants and information, welcome to todays edition,” Battlestar Galactica Razor”. And now, let’s all welcome our host, Dome.

Hi everyone and welcome to Irregular Wednesday. I have watched Razor 4 times, once on TV and three times on tape/tivo/dvr. That is a sum total of 8 wasted hours.. 

      First of all, who cares about the Pegasus? We got more than enough backstory when she reappeared and for the 4 episode arc. Who cares about the crew? We are more than aware of how they became the cannibals (euphemistically speaking) we despised. We grudgingly understand why they did what they did, so the question becomes, what the hell did we learn from this? The answer unfortunately is, nothing. Cain is nothing more than a caricature, but we already knew that. Do I care about Cain’s sexual preferences? Not really, and even that was not even pleasant to watch, and it SO could have been!!!. Do I care that Cain’s GalPal is a Cylon? It’s damned funny, but no I don’t. Not in the least.

       I sat there watching this thinking, the only reason this is on, is so I can get revved up for the Final Season, and it failed miserably on every single level. My god, how can such a great show use this as a teaser for next season? 

This is Dome,     unteased.

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