TalkCast 490 – Smart Writing for Smart Readers


Kristi Charish

Kristi Charish

In this episode we talk about opening back up of conventions, Northeast Comicon, Gay Somers, Blind Boxes. The blind box analogy referred to Kristi Charish and her newest book, Owl and the Japanese Circus which is book four in the Owl series and really just dumped Commander Cam and I into this wonderful universe of hers. So….we spent the rest of the interview talking about her “Owl” universe, where it came from and where it is going. The universe is, in concept, both scientifically accurate with more than a tinge of supernatural intrigue. Kristi’s writing style is both intense and whimsical which makes for a very relaxed thrill ride (if that isn’t a bit oxymoronic).

The book was fun to read, the interview was very enjoyable for us.Hope it is for you as well.


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TalkCast 489 – An Exciting New Universe Begins… Section 4

Richard Paolinelli

Richard Paolinelli

Sound confusing? Sure it does! It wouldn’t be Richard Poalinelli if it wasn’t, but god it was great to have him back on the show for appearance number 5 which makes him the newest  official member of The Five Timers Club.  He brings to us Galen’s Way. A Starquest 4th Age Adventure. First and foremost it must be acknowledged that John C. Wright is the “owner” of the Starquest Universe and has a group of writers working within it to set a consistent universal timeline and history.  Richard has begun work in the Fourth Age so you might think one could be confused jumping in but no…this  book is Space Opera at its finest. From the first paragraph, the reader is propelled into a wonderful story with characters that fill and grow without misstep and drag you along until you are caught up in intrigue and double cross…and well…it’s just wonderful writing that doesn’t let up up, writing you should come to expect if you have ever read Richard before.

What’s even more fun is the conversation. Enjoy it, because we sure did! That’s what makes him a 5 Timer!

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Galen's Way

Galen’s Way


A 5 Timers Club Inductee

A 5 Timers Club Inductee

TalkCast 488 – Long Walk Into The Wasteland

Jenna Greene joins the Commander and I as we talk with her about book two in her Reborn Marks Series, Renew, to continue the tale of Lexil and Finn and the story of their plight. We get the chance to learn more about the many different stopovers in this world and how they interact and what it is  they have become over generations.

It is not something the reader can come into without context and history, so you really do have to have read the previous book in the series (and please do so!). Enjoy the walkabout.

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TalkCast 487 – Darling Family Values

Liz Butcher

Liz Butcher

It’s not often we get a second chance to talk with a wildly inventive author upon their sophomore outing and yet here we are with Liz Butcher as she offers up Never Never, one of the most inventive mystery horror novels to come into Area 51 in a very long time. Set loosely within the mythos (though not really) of a recognizable fairy tale it quite quickly goes off the rails into its own terrifying world which keeps you guessing until the very last word….. and beyond. This book is Liz at her finest and the Commander and I had a fine conversation with her, tip toeing around spoilers whilst truly enjoying the wonderful twists and turns that have become hallmarks  of plotwork.

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of Detective Wendy Darling as seen through the eyes of wonderful storyteller Liz Butcher.

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Never Never

Never Never

TalkCast 486 – NOT His Fist Attempt

Miles Cameron

Miles Cameron

Miles Cameron  is an enigma and that is a huge understatement. First of atl he writes under several names but Miles is the name he uses for his science fiction work, which we hope will be numerous, because his first book, Artifact Space, is a quite amazing start for an author who has well over 40 other books under his belt under  other names including Gordon Kant and Christian Cameron. What a wild ride it has been for Miles from his days in the US Navy to a historical reenactor, to co-writing with his father and learning about the world as he wrote about it and bringing his unique perspective to the page.

What a pleasure it was to sit and talk with him about his first sci fi novel and how it will be the springboard for his first series of books in a genre he has loved for so long. Enjoy the conversation as much as we all did.

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Talkcast 485 – Star Trek in Pakistan, Or How To Forget to Introduce The Guest

Shahid Mahmud

Shahid Mahmud

On the ‘Cast is one of the more interesting people we have had on in a very long while. So interesting, in fact, that we began talking in the pre-show and quite frankly, once the show began, I forgot  to introduce him. Shahid Mahmud is the creator of the SF/Fantasy imprint Phoenix Pick. The catalog now includes reprints by Heinlein, Niven, de Camp and many other iconic figures of the genre. We had one hell of a discussion that just barely began to pique the interest of Commander Cam and myself on a myriad of topics.

How does a young child in Pakistan get hooked on Star Trek and science fiction? How does one give up a lucrative and successful career in Financial Management to open a publishing house? We also spoke about the release of Ben Bova’s final book “Power Challenges” and how he came to publish it.This ‘Cast is filled  with amazing stories and the surety of many more to come. 

Come listen and enjoy.

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Power Challenges

Power Challenges



TalkCast 484 – Things To See And Do As We Start To Come Out Of The Pandemic Featuring Ariel Diaz

Ariel Diaz

Ariel Diaz

In this episode, the Commander and I get the chance to speak with an up and coming artist from Texas who is about to burst on the national convention scene. Ariel Diaz had her opening cut short by the pandemic and was forced to sit patiently for a year, honing her craft and working (as we all did) doing sketching, drawings and covers and producing amazing work. You can find on her web page, Facebook and her Instagram page. We got the opportunity to talk about how things are finally beginning to open up for her and what this coming summer has to offer for her, including:

  • Sun Coast Comic Con-  May 28,29 and 30
  • Washington State Summer Con Washington- June 18, 19 and 20
  • Comicpalooza Houston- July 16,17 and 18
  • Cowtown Comic Con- Fort Worth- July 23,24 and 25
  • Fan Expo Boston- August 6, 7 and 8
  • Megacon Orlando- August 13,14 and 15
  • Fan Expo Dallas- August 20,21 and 22

If you get the chance to see her at any of these events , don’t miss her.

(Dates Subject To Change. Check Her Website and Venue Websites For Updates)

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TalkCast 483 – Time Travel and Vampires, I’m Told It’s A Thing

To Kill A King

To Kill A King

In this episode Commander Cam and I get the chance to speak with W.L.Hawkin about her Hollystone Mystery series. I have to admit speaking with Wendy was a quite unique experience and was one of one of the few times I was truly tongue tied. a situation which amused the hell out of Cam as well as myself. We got the chance to explore with Wendy a lot of her process in both her character formation and development  as well as her plot structure. Its was most certainly different as well as informational and gave us all the chance to explore her way of writing.

Wendy provided to be both an uncommon writer as well as an uncommon interview. It was a joyous time to talk with her and gain insight into her work and workings. We hope you enjoy  this as much as we did.
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W.L. Hawkin

W.L. Hawkin


TalkCast 482 – A Friend Of A Friend Created A Nightmare

Matthew DavenportIn the Lovcraftian universe there are very few rules. When I learned a friend of one of my very good Sci Fi writer friends, CT Phipps, (see Talkcasts 380, 425  and 475 ) had written a number of stories in this universe I became intrigued and we talked about it. He then suggested I read the works of Matthew Davenport and so I did and he joins us on this talkcast  to discuss his “horrifying “works as well as his other “stuff”.

It turns out a multidisciplinary author and a multidisciplinary mind like Matt is damn interesting to talk to. A man of many talents and idea and genuinely fun, it was a new spin on lovecraftian noir for me and his character Andrew Doran who I was drawn to as both a very able protagonist as well as an extremely well written adversary to the underworld. It was a great relaxed conversation. Enjoy the subdued chaos.
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The Book of Yig: Revelations of the Serpent

The Book of Yig: Revelations of the Serpent


TalkCast 481 – Deep Cuts With Sam Groom and Ringo Starr

Sebastien de Castell

Sebastien de Castell

A remarkable interview begins and ends in the most unexpected places. This begins with Sebastien de Castell, musician, author and our guest on the ‘Cast. Ostensibly here to talk about his latest  book, Way Of The Argosi, The Commander and I has way too much fun on a number of other topics before we ever got there, some of which may have included:

  • Is that your real name?
  • Where Do You Ge these Ideas?
  • What Are Your Concepts on Worldbuilding.
  • Do you really Fence?
  • Who’s your favorite Beatle?
  • What’s the coolest fan letter you ever got?

We also  finally did get to talk about Way Of The Argosi for a bit within the context of his Spellslinger series and the importance this volume  holds for him as well as for the series. This could well be called an “interesting” conversation. I think I just did. I hope you  think so too.

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Way Of The Argosi

Way Of The Argosi

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