Talkcast 441 –  Just Like Watching Greg Louganis on the High Board

UnknownAnd, yes the podcast titles are becoming more obscure. In this case it is very appropriate. We get to talk with Kathrin Hutson about her new series of books set in a near dystopian future. The first book in her Blue Helix Series is called Sleepwater Beat. This book is killer in every sense of the word, from the characters to the plot and world building based on a perfectly plausible future Kathrin gives a solid performance at virtually every level. The “worst” part of the interview was her engaging nature and willingness to go anywhere the conversation took us.

A fun Book. A fun guest. A guest we cannot wait to have back for book two in the series.

Chaos? Hell yes!


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Talkcast 440- A little Handwavium with Richard Paolinelli

Richard Paolinelli

Richard Paolinelli

In this episode we get to, once again, touch base with multi-talented friend of the show  Richard  Paolinelli. As is usual when Richard comes on, whatever main topic we were planning to discuss becomes part of an auditory omelet, whereby we know where we want to end up but actually have no idea what’s inside until we’re done. Never one to disappoint, the topics ranged from the output from his new NEWSLETTER, his “1K Weekly Serial Series” and trust me when I tell you that the pre-show discussion was just fantastic (Kriana thinks we should do a show just sing snippets from the pre-show talk and it’s not a bad idea at all).

But really (yes, I know, Never ever ever start a sentence with but…) the reason Richard was coming on was to talks about a new amazing series of novellas he is currently working on with his grandson, Gibson Buffa called The Timeless. The first two books in the series are out and the plan is to have a six book arc to be finished this summer. So, what are these books about; Sci Fi, Fantasy, classic historical retelling, future history, young adult, not young adult, a new twist on the retelling of 1001 Arabian Nights? Yes and much more. And (I know, never start a sentence with and) if I forgot to mention fun, my bad. This is indeed a fun series to read.

Please enjoy this interview, however, one slight clarification. During the interview Richard did NOT say having shingles was “fun”.


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The Timeless

The Timeless

A 5 Timers Club Inductee

A 5 Timers Club Inductee

Talkcast439 – Of Comics and Innocent Aliens Abroad

Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim

Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim

Some interviews just happen all by themselves. No matter how much you plan and research, the conversation does what the hell it pleases and meanders wherever it wants. Thus was this episode with Bruce Olav Solheim; Radio Talk Show Host, Playwright, History Professor, member of MUFON, author  of 8+ books on a wide range of subjects… and then there is his new comic endeavor, Snarc.

Snarc is the beginning of the misadventures of an Alien and his sentient talking staff as they crisscross America, witnessing the foibles of the human condition. Snarc show firsthand how humanity deals, or doesn’t, with such topical subjects as PTSD and the crisis of returning servicemen, life on the streets in a wealthy country, mainstream informational ignorance, immigration, Area 51 and the plight of the Native Americans, just to name a few.

As oddly and compellingly informational as the comic is, so is Bruce. In the conversation we had with him, it became clear that we were just scratching the captivating multi-levels of complexity that turned out this story from a life of such diversity.

Have fun trying to figure it out, we did.


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Podcast 438 – A “Slerk” of Blood with Curtis Lawson, or Lucien’s Song

Curtis M Lawson

Curtis M Lawson

Can music be evil, in and of itself? We explore this concept using a piece of fictional classical music called The Madrigal of the World’s End. In this episode, we get to once again talk with horror novelist Curtis M. Lawson (and yes, I do goof his name, but this time in an entirely unexpected way). He came on to talk about his newest novel, Black Heart Boys Choir. This is an excruciatingly beautiful work combining classical music, mysticism, demonology, teen angst, class disparity and the unbearable ache of loneliness masked in the infantile affectation of superiority of the main character, a sullen angry and depressed teen musical prodigy. The book provides a blurred reality fantasy world that crescendos into a wholly unexpected reveal that leaves you wondering where reality ends and what reality is and has become for the multi-flawed main character, Lucien.

We also got to talk about some of the process in the novel worked for Curtis. Among them:

  • How Will Eisner’s use of visual shorthand was adapted for the novel
  • The influence of A Clockwork Orange
  • Kurt Vonnegut’s influence in his writing style. “Cut all the boring shit!”.
  • His start in writing.
  • Wanting to write for Marvel in his younger days.
  • His early web comics which evolved into darker fantasy and horror.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get a chance to talk about his new podcast, Wyrd Transmissions.

Welcome to chaos at its best!  Enjoy.


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Black Heart Boys Choir

Black Heart Boys Choir

Feel free to check out he previous SFSN appearances here and here.

TalkCast 437 – Once Upon an Extraterrestrial Nightmare

Kristina Rienzi

Kristina Rienzi

Hey and hi, everyone. Welcome to the new normal of the pared down interview where, because of the current “world wide crisis”, bandwidth is limited 24/7 which makes using the internet a problem for us to work in. That being said, we will continue on as best we can with whatever limited resources are available.

Our first attempt at normalcy begins with an interview with author Kristina Rienzi. If she isn’t in your science fiction reading lexicon, she should be and here’s why. Kristina has written a really wonderful first Science Fiction novel; Among Us. What makes this really interesting is that it is her first foray in SF having written numerous short stories and novels in the “Adult Paranormal” and the “Domestic Thriller “genre. Her writing skills shine in her first attempt in SF and Among Us is a standout. The depth of characterization and precision of setting and tech is kinda mind-blowing BUT not as mind-blowing as the interview Capt. Cam and I had with her. Her skills and passion for her writing came through in what was a wonderfully relaxed and engaging interview. Normally, at this point, I would give a rundown of some of the topics we covered, but I can’t. Let me just say the conversation went almost everywhere between Snookie and Majestic 12.

Think that’s weird? It was. Enjoy it. We did.


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Among Us

Among Us

TalkCast 436 – A Sentinel by any other name…..

Ryan Lessard

Ryan Lessard

Welcome, my friends to this edition where we get to talk with fellow broadcaster, journalist  and comic creator Ryan Lessard about his 20 year old new project. What does he mean by that? We spend a good portion of the discussion talking about just how long this went from seed of a concept in a notebook and how he kept returning to it over and over as life intervened until his work became Sentinel, Volume One, with many more issues to come in the next few years.

As a side note, Lawrence Made Me Cry, aka our wonderful friend of the show, artist and musician Jo Whitby, has released a new EP on Bandcamp called F’Sake Lovejoy  and it is amazing.  Check it out and plunk down some coin for some great music from a truly exceptional multi-talented artist we haven’t heard music from in years and all of us here have come to love. Enjoy our new end music from the EP titled  (I Think I) Remember The 90’s.

Enjoy the chaos.


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Sentinel Vol. 1 All Roads

Sentinel Vol. 1 All Roads

TalkCast 435 – The Deadly Australian Quokka

Not Joseph Madden

Not Joseph J. Madden At All!

We need more fun. A statement; direct, simple and to the point. At the time of this podcast, we

Actually Joseph J. Madden

Actually Joseph J. Madden

need more fun. Due to ecological circumstance our daily lives are becoming more like “The Caves of Steel”, so DAMN IT, WE NEED MORE FUN!!!

What has that got to do with the deadly, vicious Australian Quokka? Of paramount importance, what has that got to do with Joseph J. Madden? All very good questions, dear listeners, and as someone who inherited the title of The Dome, I sought to bring clarity to this and other questions.

We got to speak with Joseph about his series The Starhawk Chronicles. This is a series of books, short stories. character and plots that have been ruminating in his head for decades and can be blamed (let’s use the term “inspired” instead) on Disney. Our conversation meandered around when this happened, why it happened, the overall influence of non-sci fi writer Louis L’Amoure on the series, how it got to where it is as a series and where it is going in the coming volumes. The great thing is the series is well written fun, Joseph is fun to talk to and despite all technical and ecological boulders we had to overcome, this was a very fun show to do.

For those of you keeping score at home, there is a Manhattan, Kansas.

Enjoy the chaos.


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The Starhawk Chronicles

The Starhawk Chronicles

TalkCast 434 – Let That Cat Out Of That Box, NOW!

Jeffrey A, Carver

Jeffrey A, Carver

On this show we welcome Boston “semi-native” Jeffrey A.Carver. His work ranges from hard SF to space opera with a healthy sense of wonder. He has taught writing in many settings, from educational television to Odyssey to MIT to his own workshops He is the author of eighteen science fiction novels, including the recently published “Time Out Of Sequence” duology,

The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time).With this two-part novel, Carver returns to his signature series, The Chaos Chronicles.

Once in conversation, we got to learn about Jeffrey’s writing style and habits. Ever a stickler for detail and clarity, one of the finer points of his writing is his continuity. Be it characters, settings, technology or mythos, the precision of his style is such that the reader is never left hanging,,, but, to be fair, leaving the reader wondering is quite another story.

You can visit Carver and his blog at, or his free guide for aspiring authors of all ages Enjoy the wonderful conversation.


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The Reefs Of Time

The Reefs Of Time

Side note: In the course of the discussion Jeffrey mentioned two very interesting workshops. Here are the links:

TalkCast433 – Could it be Capt. Keith Crunch?

The Mighty Mascots

The Mighty Mascots

What do Heckle and Jeckle, Huckleberry Hound and Diver Dan have to do with this episode? Honestly, nothing….and EVERYTHING. Join us on an old timey/futuristic voyage with the adventures of The Mighty Mascots, a unique comic from the interesting mind of Keith Gleason, and their collective future.

Plastic City Comic Con

Plastic City Comic Con

Then we got to spend some time talking about this year’s Plastic City Comic Con. Keith announced this years Guest of Honor, guest-of-honorthe Incredible Marvel Legend Roy Thomas. Plastic City has quickly become one of the most amazing single day events. You can find tons of information here. You will also find Sci Fi Saturday Night there. Come say “Hi” and win a prize.

And now for some amazing cartoon nostalgia we talked about during the show:

Enjoy the fun!


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It’s coming…….

More Information….soon

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