Talkcast 440- A little Handwavium with Richard Paolinelli

Richard Paolinelli

Richard Paolinelli

In this episode we get to, once again, touch base with multi-talented friend of the show  Richard  Paolinelli. As is usual when Richard comes on, whatever main topic we were planning to discuss becomes part of an auditory omelet, whereby we know where we want to end up but actually have no idea what’s inside until we’re done. Never one to disappoint, the topics ranged from the output from his new NEWSLETTER, his “1K Weekly Serial Series” and trust me when I tell you that the pre-show discussion was just fantastic (Kriana thinks we should do a show just sing snippets from the pre-show talk and it’s not a bad idea at all).

But really (yes, I know, Never ever ever start a sentence with but…) the reason Richard was coming on was to talks about a new amazing series of novellas he is currently working on with his grandson, Gibson Buffa called The Timeless. The first two books in the series are out and the plan is to have a six book arc to be finished this summer. So, what are these books about; Sci Fi, Fantasy, classic historical retelling, future history, young adult, not young adult, a new twist on the retelling of 1001 Arabian Nights? Yes and much more. And (I know, never start a sentence with and) if I forgot to mention fun, my bad. This is indeed a fun series to read.

Please enjoy this interview, however, one slight clarification. During the interview Richard did NOT say having shingles was “fun”.


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The Timeless

The Timeless

A 5 Timers Club Inductee

A 5 Timers Club Inductee

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