TalkCast470 – We Are Siamese If You Don’t, Please?

Dojo Kun Comics Corner Logo_JPGIn this episode we get to ask the question, “So, what have you been doing during the pandemic?”. If your name happens to be Brian Menard, it would seem as if your plate has been full. Between the crime fighting comic, Siamese,  feline based superheroes, and converting a trilogy of young adult novels called The Healing Wars by Janice Hardy to graphic novels, Brian Menard has been a busy man.  Along the way we discuss his issues with crowdfunding and dealing with “alleged fraud” on these sites.  
Brian Menard is a man who has plans for comics that will span the next few years.  We also talk about him making connections with creators in other countries using sites like  It will be interesting to watch the evolution of Dojo Kun Comics and see how they grow. Meanwhile The Indiegogo campaign for the trade paperback of Siamese will be coming up in the very near future, enjoy.


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TalkCast 469 – Tonight on the Medieval History Channel…Whales?

Marie Powell

Marie Powell

Raise your hand if you thought that Welsh history would have been a topic for this podcast, OK, hands down, Now, raise your hands if you thought fantasy welsh novels would ever be a topic on this podcast, Well, see how wrong you were because you are about to be fascinated, as we all were in talking with Marie Powell about her new series Last Of The Gifted. In this episode we focus on how and why this series happened and the genesis of her first book in this saga Spirit Sight.

It is an almost decades long story of her pursuit of her own history interwoven with an ancient hidden past which takes her both physically and metaphorically back centuries to create and recreate an old/new world for use to imagine as she reimagines a beautiful past. 

Those familiar with most of her past work as a children’s author will be quite delighted at the beauty, maturity  and difference in this work, While some have referred to this as YA, I will vociferously disagree. This is the beginning of a wonderfully well written series of novels . Take the time to listen to her, get to know her, read the book and do what we did. 



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TalkCast 468 – Leukocyte? I Never Touched That Antigen!

Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz

Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz

On tonight’s show we talk with comic creator Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz, someone who by his own admission came into comic books late in life.  This did not deter him from developing a deep love and respect for the craft of comics.  He has created two websites, Dark Knight Nation and Pocket Watch Press.  While in his role as the writer on his comic Area 51: The Helix Project he took a comic craftsman’s approach to understanding the importance of every part of the comic creation, from penciling, coloring, inking and lettering.  He was aware of what he could do best and was savvy enough to find those who could do the other parts better which included artwork by Marcello Salaza, colorist Marcio Freire and letterer Taylor Esposito.

We also got to talk about what it’s like to do your very first kickstarter and expect to show it at conventions during the time of forbidden Covid events. 

Lots to talk about, lots to learn about this new series and a new author.

Enjoy the chaos


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Talkcast 467 – She Haunts Lonely Places


Jennifer Anne Gordon

As residents of New England we can tell you that the coast of Maine is equally beautiful and haunting.  There are many ghost stories to be found about the desolate seacoast of Maine, it’s haunted lighthouses and islands.  During the isolation of the winter months the deep loneliness has resulted in tragic outcomes that loom over the scenery. It is within this eerily sterile landscape our guest resides and has set her latest two (or is it actually one)  stories of gothic horror.

Jennifer Anne Gordon joins us on this podcast to talk about her two books From Daylight to Madness and When the Sleeping Dead Still Talk from her The Hotel series.This series of gothic horror books spins a somewhat non-linear web of tales weaving in and out the malformed psychies of broken minds that inhabit her world. If you find this description difficult to comprehend, so be it. The books are not a simple easy read. The characters are not straightforward and the setting is NOT as it  may seem. This is a complex series that unlike many other series is deeply linked to the other.

And if that was all we had to talk about , wow , that would have been enough but nooooooo…. There is so much more to this eclectic lady than meets the eye. A quick check of her multiple websites gives  the barest thumbnail of her multifaceted talents, abilities and explorations. We could have talked to her for hours on a myriad of subjects all in some way connected to Sci Fi…and we shall, of that there is little doubt. In point of fact, if she had not her own podcast, she could well be invited to become a regular here (take that as a gentle nudge)


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TalkCast 466 – Prose and Cons (with apologies to Eddie Murphy)

Why do bad things always happen to good people? Why  does the perfect point on your pencil always snap off? What do you trip on your own shoe laces? Why have all the conventions been cancelled? Damned if we know but we  talked about them anyway with one of our best convention buddies Keith Gleason, even though we have never actually seen him trip on his shoe laces.

Our conversation started with one of our favorite topics;comic cons, and whether we will see any this year.  It is a conversation that included artists, authors and creative types not having a lot of venues to show what they create and that led to us discovering that Keith along with a friend of the show Johnny C have started their own podcast on YouTube called Indie Comics Relay.on their show they give a venue for those creating independent comics to strut their stuff.

In a year that has become a total bummer with a teeny tiny light at the end of a long dark tunnel it was wonderful to play ketchup with a genuinely nice guy and great friend who works hard within the geek community to create a positive oasis. Be it Plastic City or Might Mascots or now Indie Comic Relay,welcome to The Five Timers Club!

Official Five Timer's Club Member

Official Five Timer’s Club Member


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TalkCast 465 – You Put The Lime in the Coconut…..Drink It and What What Happens

The Psychedelic Film And Music Festival

The Psychedelic Film And Music Festival

  • What happiness when you bring Flaming Chicken, Psychedelicatessen, Uberfrog, The Funhouse Waltz, Nina of The Woods and a veritable plethora of films from around the globe hosted by the inimitable Dan Abella. Why, once  again  my friends, it’s time for The 3rd Annual Psychedelic Film and Music Festival, and what makes it so magnificently different this year is that it’s being held during the Covid-19 Pandemic (I know that sounds oxymoronic but bear with me). 
  • The Bad New?
  • Because it cannot be held within the confines of a traditional film festival (within a theater) the amazing Mr. Abella has been forced to find a different content medium.
  • The Good News?
  • He Did and it’s kinda cool. One might call it “Abellaish” (If I was the one to do it). For the four days of the festival participants will be able to watch;
  • Individual  films
  • Blocks of films
  • Entire Days of films
  • Or
  • The Entire Festival
  • And the rates are incredibly reasonab

Is this a new way to run a festival and make it a World Wide Event or perhaps a hybrid event? Is this a stepping stone to a new reality for events like this, where you can be there or not…. Or both?

Leave it to Abella to bring things to the next level.


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Official Five Timer's Club Member

Official Five Timer’s Club Member

Talkcast 464 – If Audiobooks Could Talk..No Wait, That’s A Dumb Title

Jeffrey A, Carver

Jeffrey A, Carver

2020 has been a long year like no other,  but through the ridiculous circumstance and hardship there have been ………. moments……..  During this “Year of The Pandemic”  we have been forced by means of social distancing to not be able to see in person the people we usually do and as a result have gotten to meet many new and amazingly talented people who shared their creations with us.  Authors, Documentarian, Short Film creators, teams building innovative content in times when it is difficult to create as well as talking with many old friends.  

Before we close out this year we invited back someone who has become  a friend of the show.  Jeffrey Carver came on to talk about the release of the audiobook versions of The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time, but like any good conversation it didn’t stay there long.  We talked about picking the right voice actor to narrate your book, a process Jeffrey takes very seriously.  We moved on to discussing the publishing industry in general and his successful effort to get one of his older books, Panglor, back into print.  And finally, we talked about some of his offers for the holiday season that can be found in his Etsy shop and a few of us here are more than tempted to take him up on. We ending the interview with a snippet of one of his newest audio books to tease your aural palette.

It was another fun and engaging interview with an author we can’t wait to have back again.




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TalkCast 463 – If Safety Deposit Boxes Could Talk

Kathrin Hutson

Kathrin Hutson

Here at Sci Fi Saturday Night, we read a lot of books.  In fact, that may be an understatement this year more than most due to the understandable peculiarities that pandemics do to us.  In reading as many books as we have over this “pandenterious” time we have discovered many many things. One thing we have kind of come to agreement on is that if you haven’t somehow been in some way engaged by a book by page 50 or so you probably are not going to be.  Let it not be said that there have been exceptions to this rule, but mostly it holds up.  HOWEVER, when a book pulls you in after 50 sentences and doesn’t let go, that, my dear friends and listeners is an engaging story, and what we have come to expect from Kathrin Hutson.

Kathrin makes her third visit to the show, this time to showcase her foray into the world of urban fantasy with The Witching Vault.  The Witching Vault revolves around witch Jessica Northwood’s experiences becoming employed by and on the same day discovering she owns The Winthrop & Dirledge Security Bank, a bank that exclusively serves the magical population of Golden, CO.  Kathrin, in her diabolically evil way, drops a trail of Pop Tart crumbs behind her to tantalize the reader into wanting to know more like any sugar product would. Her inherently evil plotting ways entice the reader to want to know more with every single turn of the page, be it physical or electronic. This style has become her hallmark and she executes it more and more beautifully with each work.

Enjoy the surgery.

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The Witching Vault

The Witching Vault


Talkcast462 – Reality Is Subjective, Subjectivly Speaking

JM Landels

JM Landels

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Is the pen truly mightier than the sword?

Questions like these and many others have troubled mankind (the species, not the wrestler) for millennia.  For an answer to the first question I might ask Neil deGrasse Tyson. On this show we perhaps have  someone uniquely qualified to take a “stab” at the second conundrum.

Please join us in welcoming JM Landels, writer, illustrator, publisher, editor, equestrian, sword-fighter, musician and many more skills than can be listed here or mentioned in our far too short interview with her.  As a writer, editor and sword-fighter she enlightens and informs us upon the second conundrum with wit, intelligence and a wry sense of fun.

Jen talks with us about her beginnings of sword-fighting, her time as a singer and  musician, before we move on to the first books in her trilogy of novels, Allaigna’s Song: Aria and  Overture. We finish by talking about Pulp Literature, a quarterly digest filled with a little bit of something for almost everyone, which she is the managing editor for.

Multitalented is a word thrown around alot these days but in our opinion JM Landels has rightfully earned this word attached to her name.  It was a fun interview.

Enjoy the punnery. 


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Allaigna's Song: Overture

Allaigna’s Song: Aria

Allaigna's Song: Overture

Allaigna’s Song: Overture



TalkCast 461 – Welcome to Lockdown Theatre

Welcome to Tough Trip Through Hell. Every so often we at Sci Fi Saturday Night find something so very different and wonderfully interesting that even if it doesn’t fit into our usual fair we want others to learn about.  This show is one of those.   During this pandemic, when any entertainment is limited, it is fascinating when we get to see something new streamed into our eye and ear holes in an innovative and creative way.  On this show we talk to return guest Bruce Olav Solheim along with the cast and crew of a fascinating offering.  First off it is a western set post Civil War.  Not our usual fare, but then you look at how they did it.  Live streamed theater where the actors are currently “locked down” in their separate homes with green screen backdrops created using the Unreal Engine,  the same engine that powers video games.  That is what Lockdown Theatre brings us.  Theatre meets film meets video games. Welcome to the pandemic.

As we all hope to get back to “normalcy” some day, what the team at Lockdown Theatre has done gives us some interesting frontiers for future entertainment with possibilities of actors and creators around the world being able to work on and act in projects without having to be co-located.  An interesting prospect to say the least.


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Tough Trip Through Hell 2


Rico E Anderson as Ezekiel Pompeii

Rick Walters as Samuel Wilson

Rachelle Henry as Calamity Jane

Tommy Hestmark as Sheriff Henry Plummer

Nicole Lockett as Madame Dumont

Rose Ellis as Ma Plummer

Jaki Harada as Lisa Little Bear

Jeff Harada as Hao Fan

The Innocents

Toby Guebert as Red

Staggerlee Cole as White

Ryan J Lyle as Blue

Kelsey Nixon as Sluice Box Sally

Produced by Rick Walters

Assistant EP – Ginger Marie de Villa Rose

Streamplay written by Bruce Olav Solheim PhD

Technical Director Jordan Martin

Musical Director Emma Frost Rostykus

Stage Manager  Ryan J Lyle

Voodoo Puppet by Ginger Marie de Villa Rose

Storyboard artist  Sean Swaby

2D Artist  Race Walters

Credits and Titles Design  TJ Walker

Based on story by David A Wilson

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