Why do bad things always happen to good people? Why does the perfect point on your pencil always snap off? What do you trip on your own shoe laces? Why have all the conventions been cancelled? Damned if we know but we talked about them anyway with one of our best convention buddies Keith Gleason, even though we have never actually seen him trip on his shoe laces.
Our conversation started with one of our favorite topics;comic cons, and whether we will see any this year. It is a conversation that included artists, authors and creative types not having a lot of venues to show what they create and that led to us discovering that Keith along with a friend of the show Johnny C have started their own podcast on YouTube called Indie Comics Relay.on their show they give a venue for those creating independent comics to strut their stuff.
In a year that has become a total bummer with a teeny tiny light at the end of a long dark tunnel it was wonderful to play ketchup with a genuinely nice guy and great friend who works hard within the geek community to create a positive oasis. Be it Plastic City or Might Mascots or now Indie Comic Relay,welcome to The Five Timers Club!

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