Talkcast 55 – Take My Zombie, Please

  • Our Special Guests: Mark Nelson & Isaac Kennell of Saturday Fright Special
  • Shout out to Comic Art House, Double Midnight Comics and all our friends at New York Comic Con right now!
  • Wizard World is next weekend
    • Events schedule here
  • Ridley Scott is adapting P.K. Dick’s “The Man in the High Castle
  • The team that made The Exorcist to work together again?
  • New Terry Gilliam film debuting on Halloween! But it’s about NASCAR…(via blastr)
  • First look at Alicia Silverstone’s vampire comedy, from the director of Clueless [First Look](io9)
  • Villian of Batman 3 to be Killer Croc?(via slashfilm)
  • Star Wars in 2 minutes. (via slashfilm)
  • That whole thing with Johnny Depp and a 9 year old girl. No, it’s not what you think.(via BBC)
  • Our Interview : Mark Nelson & Isaac Kennell of Saturday Fright Special.
    • Tonight’s giveaway…Make a comment on the post and be entered to win a DVD of Saturday Fright Night #44 “Fangs Of The Living Dead”
  • Our friends at Browncoats Redemption have set up a discount code for just the DVD for our listeners. This DOES NOT impact the donations for the charities, but will be applied to money set aside for the production costs (i.e. mailing, dvd’s etc). Buy it here.
    • Discount Code = sfsn2010

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2 Responses to “Talkcast 55 – Take My Zombie, Please”

  1. MonsterDad

    Another great show guys (and gals)! I’m a big fan of Saturday Fright Special (as opposed to Saturday Fright Night–heh, heh) and it was great to hear Mark and Issac chatting with the SFSN gang in this episode. Keep up the great work!

  2. I found the “characterization” of skeptics rather disheartening. 🙁 Just because someone SOUNDS convincing is no reason to accept their assertions. Circumstantial anecdotes and assertions that some physical phenomenon “means” something doesn’t make it so. If there is such a plethora of actual evidence, why is it so widely ridiculed? I know that I would love for nothing more to have definitive evidence of extra-terrestrial life! It would thrill me beyond measure. Sadly, the actual evidence is weak, if not downright lacking.

    The burden of providing actual, VERIFIABLE evidence does not lie with the person who does not accept a fringe opinion, but rather with the person making the assertion. If you really look at Mr. Freidman’s evidence, it is weak at best, consisting mainly of asserting that something unknown or weird means this, and don’t question my conclusion (much like religious folks start off with a conclusion before even looking at the data).

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