Monthly Archives: August 2011

TalkCast 97 – Josh Emmons

  This Week’s Poll Results: What comic book character should get the next big budget Hollywood treatment? Movie Round Up: Ghostbusters 3 is a go. Wreckit Ralph Fright Night Cosplay for A Cause Locke and Key will NOT been seen on TV. Exit Strategy New Star Trek for TV? 18 Things You May Not Have […]

Fiction Friday – The Street That Wasn’t There

Who the hell is Carl Richard Jacobi? In short, he was one of a host prolific of the pulp horror writers from the 30’s and 40’s and yet most of his work has largely been forgotten or pushed aside for the sparkly vampire nonsense that permeates current fiction. He wrote literally hundreds of short stories […]

Filling in the “Foundation” Series–The Second Foundation Trilogy

In a recent podcast guest Bill Walko commented he was looking for people interested in taking his characters and incorporating them into their own writing, a mindset unusual enough that it generated considerable discussion. That comment reminded me of a similar successful effort related to one of the all time great science fiction group of […]

Synchronicity is a Bitch

How does one explain the current state of programming among the television networks? Is it an issue with current quality of programming? Yes. Is it an issue with pandering to a sub-genre they know little about? Yes. Is it money hunger and pandering to the lowest common denominator? Of course, but I am coming to […]

TalkCast 96 – The Sky Pirates of Valendor

Old TV is new TV. Less Peter, more Walter on Fringe. Melissa Marr books. This weeks SFSN Facebook Poll, Your Favorite Immortal was… Dick Clark. Geek Girl Poster raises money for The Hero Initiative. Women of Wonder Day raises money for Domestic Violence Charities.     Our guests tonight are Susan & Everett Soares, to […]

Fiction Friday – Philip K Dick

Philip K. Dick was known as a dystopian writer. Born in 1928, his life was as dystopian as his stories. Many of his finest works have been converted to movies, among them Bladerunner and Minority Report. What most people don’t know is that he wrote many short stories.  His writing style in these short stories […]

Movies I Wish You Had Seen – Earth Girls Are Easy

It’s a hot Saturday night and you are in the mood for mindless entertainment. You could  go for a Jim Carey movie. You could go for one of the early Geena Davis/Jeff Goldblum  rom-coms. A Wayans Brothers slapstick might fill the bill. What the hell,mix all of the above with musical number or two and […]

TalkCast 95 – Kill Shakespeare

Our readers rock, thanks for participating in our Facebook Polls! The Troy Library is saved. Kurt Vonnegut’s book banned by a Business Professor. Slick Move. Jerk move – Eureka killed by SyFy Second Jerk Move – AMC cuts Walking Dead’s budget. Third Jerk Move – Raped Version of Metropolis goes to Blu-Ray. Rebeka Issacs will […]

Fiction Friday – Edgar Rice Burroughs

  With the upcoming John Carter of Mars movie, I have been hearkening back to my formative days of voraciously devouring sci fi when I was a whelp. I recall going to a used bookstore in Manhattan with my father and uncle and having them both tell me all about Barsoom, Pellucidar, The Land That […]

Fiction Friday – Walter Tevis: The Big Bounce

  If you know about Walter Tevis, it may be from The Man Who Fell to Earth. To be honest, I wouldn’t have even have known that if I hadn’t seen the movie, which is brilliantly flawed. This movie was my introduction to Tevis and the dazzling mind that produced some wonderful science fiction. A man […]

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