Monthly Archives: May 2008

The video is a FAKE!

From the Bad Astronomy Blog: “Jeff Peckman stood before the citizens of Denver and showed the video. What it had on it we don’t know, because he would only allow certain members of the press to see it, and no video of his video was allowed to be taken. Evidently, Peckman is part of the Bush Administration.

Sci Fi Radio, BattleStar, Granitecon and A Woman Named Shawnti

So, here’s what’s been going on in the world of SciFiCo. We are currently in negotiations with a local AM station in Nashua, NH to air our radio show. While their terrestrial broadcast footprint is small, they stream, which would give us some national visibility. As a result of the delicate nature of these negotiations, […]

And Now For Something Completely Different, A Comments Section that Actually Works

For the past months, since the reorganization of SCIFICO and the major redo of the online segment of our megacorperation, one of the things missing from the site has been the ability for you, the reader,to comment, without sending me an email, and may I say, it has been cumbersome for me to constantly delete […]

Attention Mr. and Mrs. America and All the Ships at Sea! All The Nudes That’s Fit To Print, Local, National, Zombie Strippers & GRANITECON

GRANITECON, formerly known as The Granite State Comicon is this Sunday, May 18th., from 10AM to 4PM at the Radission Manchester In New Hampster, the state which is also home base for our humble MegaCorperation,SCIFICO.     Our friends at Double Midnight Comics are once again hosting the event, Chris and Scott (otherwise known as Chris’ brother), […]

SCUD, Conan & Skrulls

 It’s been a week now, and everyone’s still buzzing about how great Iron Man: The Movie was.  Not only that, but the previews for the new Batman, Hulk & Hellboy flicks look amazingly good, making me thank God for the umpteenth time that I lived long enough to see great special effects and supervillains in […]

Ironman, the Avengers and Radio

While I am still sitting on pins and needles waiting to find out if we are finally going to be picked up and back on the air( COME ON GUYS, GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND JUST TELL US WE ARE THE BEST THING YOU EVER HEARD!), a lot of time has once again drifted by […]

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