TalkCast 507 – White Ops In Spaceeeeeee

Declan Finn

Declan Finn

In this Cast we talk with the prolific Declan Finn about his newest “Space Opera” White Ops. This is a project that he began  long ago and discarded and reworked many times. The pandemic gave Declan the chance to revisit it and make all the updates and changes he wanted as well as give him the “wisdom of hindsight” It turns out that  this project, while originally one book had blossomed into what may well be a five to thirteen book project,, but only time and judicious editing will tell.

We got a little bit of time to talk with Declan about the depth and breadth of his writing, from sci fi to urban fantasy and the occasional romance as well. We also got insight into his process and why he does things the way he does. Also, Harlan Ellison. Sit back and enjoy The Wild Mouse.

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TalkCast 506 – Nel Bently’s Earth

V.S. Holmes

V.S. Holmes

In this first ‘Cast of 2022 we get to talk with one of our favorite author friends, V.S. Holmes. It is always wonderful to welcome Them home and catching up with one of our oldest author friends and oner of our fondest protagonists is always fun, so we spent the time reminiscing about V and Nel, where they had been, where they are now and where they are going because in a very real sense they are inextricably bound together. The essential bond between a recurring main character and their author grows over time and it is so wonderful to see Nel’s evolution and depth in book four of the series Heretics (Stars Edge).

This is a special series of books about a special character in a special universe. Welcome back, Nel. Welcome back, V.

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Heretics (Stars Edge: Nel Bently Book 4)

Heretics (Stars Edge: Nel Bently Book 4)

Enjoy The Holidays!

SFSN-Christmas-2010 copy

From All Of Us Here To All Of You Out There

See You In January

TalkCast 505 – Meet The Smormans

Paul Bahou

Paul Bahou

So, there  was this guy, a more eclectic guy you are never going to meet, I think. His name is Paul Bahou and , among other things , he is a writer and judging from his book, Sunset Distortion: The Pyramid At The End Of The World, a damn good one. He is also a musician, an ecologist, an entrepreneur and environmentalist, but this is about his writing …. or is it?

The talented and very funny Mr. Bahou brings us an intergalactic buddy comedy staring Lazer and Streek, which asks some amazing questions along the way not the least of which is “How many humans does it take to build a pyramid?” This story is a wonderfully wacky convoluted cautionary tale  that begins with alien abduction and ends…….Paul is a wonderfully diverse guy and this novel and our interview is kind of a mirror of that diversity. It was fun for us and we hope it will be fun for you.

Enjoy the chaos!


Sunset Distortion: The Pyramid At The End Of The World

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TalkCast 504 – Irrational Numbers for Rational Science Fiction

Edward M. Lerner

Edward M. Lerner

When you read science fiction or fantasy or for that matter anything within the entire collective mish-mash genre, as a reader you tend to “give up” certain things; you simply accept  “givens”. Lobsters from Andromeda speak with English accents, generation ships will actually work, FTL travel must work. Why? In this Cast  remarkable writer, physicist and computer scientist Edward M. Lerner talks about his book Trope-ing the Light Fantastic: The Science Behind the Fiction. This book peels back much of the silliness to look at the science necessary to make the fiction work. Based in large part on a series of his essays For Analog Science Fiction and Fact Magazine, this book is a trove of wonderful information about the why and how of the science in the fiction. The more we talked, the more fascinating the conversation became though we barely scratched the surface of the many topics in the book. It is described as a must read for any science fiction writer, I disagree, it is a must read for any science fiction fan.

Enjoy the chaos

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TalkCast 503 – A walk In Other Universes

Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim

Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim

Having been on the ‘Cast a number of times, Dr Bruce Olav Solheim joins us again, this time to talk about UFO’s, life in the universe and his unique and personal perceptions of the paranormal which began at the age of 4 and have continued throughout his life. We got the opportunity to speak about his many experiential instances as well as his research and work with CERO, his numerous books and appearances on Coast to Coast and Alien Encounters Declassified. And just when you thought you had heard it all, he has a new comic coming out soon (see the cover below),  so we got to talk about that as well.

So many places to go, Join us for and interesting time.


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Dr Jekyll front cover 001

Special Edition Talkcast – Skyraiders of Abarax Kickstarter

Tracy and Laura Hickman

Tracy and Laura Hickman

In this very special edition we get the chance to reconnect with dear friends Tracy and Laura Hickman as they are in the middle of their phenomenal Kickstarter, a simply amazing new game which was funded in 88 minutes, and is now skyrocketing  with over 2,500 backers. Who are they? What have they done?  Well, sit back, relax and enjoy an hour or so of conversation that includes an explanation of Skyraiders including the work on the project done by Joe Manganiello, Larry Elmore, Matt Stawicki and Karl Pruesser, an explanation of what the heck AR integration with the Living Tome mobile app means and what it brings to the game (trust me, it’s a lot). We also chatted about how covid affected The Void, the probability of a New Drangonlance series coming very soon with Margaret Weis and Tracy’s adventures with Dan Aykroyd.

All that and more, because Tracy and Laura are more fun than a Barrel of Elephant!

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Skyraiders of Abarax

Skyraiders of Abarax

TalkCast 502 – The Princess and The Pauper (updated version)

Thor Nesch

Thor Nesch

Thor Nesch is by any definition multifaceted . The many styles of books as well as his other endeavours makes him “interesting” to say the least. When you have a writer, who amongst his many offerings has books that could qualify as Sci Fi, Fantasy, horror, crime drama, and thrillers, with subjects ranging from killer bears, beings trapped in a train underwater, finding your animal totem and in tonight’s offering a body switch comedy that is one part Disney Freaky Friday and one part Twain Prince and the Pauper with a liberal dash of Jackie Collins thrown in, the reader doesn’t  know what to expect, and that’s not a bad thing at all in an ostensibly  YA novel.  His book I Am You Am I (confusing title isn’t it) is a body swapping comedy but it also allows the author a chance to look at being a teenager in our present times.  Equal parts funny and poignant, it made for a very compelling read.

Thorsten himself is an interesting person. He writes in both German, his native language and English. He is also a storyteller, photographer, singer and film maker. We never got around to finding out why he moved from Europe to Canada but evidently that’s another story for another time in the sage of an international storyteller, the chronicle of Thor Nesch.

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I am You Am I

I am You Am I




TalkCast 501 – Sex And The Single Werewolf or Agatha Christie And The Buckets Of Chum

Melissa Yi

Melissa Yi

After a few weeks on hiatus for a number of issues, we’re back, and this ‘casts guest is just wonderful. Melissa Yi is a gifted writer and if that was all she was it would be plenty,,,,but she is also an ER Doctor with a special interest in health education, a world traveler and a joy to talk to on a myriad of subjects so we sent the interview flitting from topic to topic and had one hell of a time. The Commander and I wanted to talk about her werewolf novel Wolf Ice , in large part because it was so good and so much fun to read and also because to my mind anyway, I thought it was interesting that a doctor had such an affinity with werewolves but as usual I was proven wrong. What made the interview more interesting was all the tributaries we seemed to go off on and how interesting it became and she was.

We got to talk about her adventures in the Galapagos and Giza and a few other places that began with G as well, but most importantly we got the chance to meet Melissa, a rare treat which the staff here hopes to do again as soon as possible. Enjoy

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Wolf Ice

Wolf Ice




TalkCast 344 – MediSin Health Care For Super Villains


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