After a few weeks on hiatus for a number of issues, we’re back, and this ‘casts guest is just wonderful. Melissa Yi is a gifted writer and if that was all she was it would be plenty,,,,but she is also an ER Doctor with a special interest in health education, a world traveler and a joy to talk to on a myriad of subjects so we sent the interview flitting from topic to topic and had one hell of a time. The Commander and I wanted to talk about her werewolf novel Wolf Ice , in large part because it was so good and so much fun to read and also because to my mind anyway, I thought it was interesting that a doctor had such an affinity with werewolves but as usual I was proven wrong. What made the interview more interesting was all the tributaries we seemed to go off on and how interesting it became and she was.
We got to talk about her adventures in the Galapagos and Giza and a few other places that began with G as well, but most importantly we got the chance to meet Melissa, a rare treat which the staff here hopes to do again as soon as possible. Enjoy
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