TalkCast 407 – The The Philip K Dick Film Festival 2019

Dan Abella

Dan Abella

In this edition, we talk with friend of the show, Daniel Abella, the force behind The Philip K Dick Film Festival. This year is a hybrid affair with sessions on both coasts.

New York Showings:



Los Angeles Area Showings:

Any conversation with Dan is fun but when we get to talk about his festival, its always a treat,. We talked about the inclusion this year of web-series. The festival decided there were a number of web-series contributors that has a voice and PKDFF was going to give it to them. The discussion then turned to the many unique and distinctive voices this year in the festival all of which, in some way, somehow embraced some part of the thematic qualities of Philip K Dick and his work.

As more and more festivals pop up each year, this one and its creator remain one of my favorites. Sit back and enjoy a little time with Dan Abella and the Philip K Dick Film Festival 2019


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Philip K Dick Film Festival 2019

Philip K Dick Film Festival 2019



TalkCast 406 – Scot Noel & Dreamforge

Scot Noel

Scot Noel

On this edition of Sci Fi Saturday Night we go old school and talk about a new print magazine. To be fair, Dreamforge is much much more than just a print magazine. It is in fact a print,/digital hybrid quarterly event of Science Fiction with its own voice, its own look and its own outlook. That outlook is one of positivity for the human condition surrounded by a unique digital interface for the participant.

Scot Noel, the driving force behind Dreamforge,spent some time with us just as his KickStarter was about to end (by the time of this airing, it has been fully funded). We got the chance to talk about how beautiful the print version is and why it was so important to him to have a quality hard version of Dreamforce. On their website there is also  a unique portal for readers to interact as well. We spoke about the positive outlook of this project in “less than positive times” and had a wonderful. relaxed and fun conversation.

It’s important to remember that science fiction can also bring out the best in who we are and what may become. Dreamforge  works to bring that forward in a unique and yet also very old school way. It is a quite  wonderful effort.

Enjoy the chaos


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Dreamforge Magazine

Dreamforge Magazine

TalkCast 405 – Who Knew It Was Shakespeare Season Again?

The Sirens Song

The Sirens Song

In this episode we speak again with multi-talented Nick Shakespeare about what’s he’s currently working on, what his new projects are, the state of his current projects.

Nick gets to talk about the current state of his personal project The Sirens Song Parts One and Two, as well as his day job as storyboard artist and how his current success has delayed his “other stuff”.

We get sidetracked talking about the inevitable Marvel vs. DC movies and why oh why DC just doesn’t seem to get it…yet. Controversial? Perhaps, but interesting viewpoints. Good conversation is what we do.

Enjoy the chaos.


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TalkCast 404 – Scott Wauchope and The Doctor



Welcome to a new season of Sci Fi Saturday Night, whatever that means. As part of our renewed pledge to only talk about stuff we like, in this episode we are pleased to introduce our vast listening audience, the marvelous mind and talents of Scott Wauchope.

Scott brings a lot to the “Artists Alley” table, so to speak. He is a talented artist, a gifted writer and a man with a passion project. In this episode we discuss this passion project, ‘Doctor-The-Who and The Lost Imagination’. It’s an hour all about Scott, how he got to where he is in the artist community, why this is his project of the heart and his plans for it for the future. This is the first of a planned 8 book series, so the horizon bodes well for many more original stories and art in this stunning world he has created.

Enjoy the chaos.


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Winnie the Pooh and friends as the Justice League

Winnie the Pooh and friends as the Justice League

A Holiday Wish

SFSN-Christmas-2010 copy

To All Our Friends and Listeners

Please enjoy the holiday season.

Join us in 2019

As Chuck Barris  repeatedly  said,  

“We’ll be right back with more stuff“.

Enjoy the chaos!

TalkCast 203 – A Brief Introduction to the World of Eric Radvon

Erik Radvon

Erik Radvon

When I go to a convention there is no real idea of who I might meet. It might be someone from my other work in such outrageously inventive cosplay you don’t even recognize them, it might be a long-lost friend from school days past who is now an artisan and produces the most amazing monster jars or it just might be someone so different and interesting you want them on your podcast. Such is the case with Eric Radvon. At Plastic City Comic Con last year, I was wandering the floor aimlessly, looking, and finding cool things to buy and interesting people to talk with when I stumbled across a gentleman sitting at his booth. We talked and an interesting story began to unfold about a journalist turned fiction writer turned comic creator and the oddly twisted path the led him to that convention.

Welcome to the world of Eric Radvon, a world that began, for the purposes of this story, as a writer for Worcester Magazine and brought him through many incarnations, through Famous Monsters of Filmland, text video games, television and back to one of his first loves, comics.

Sit back and experience an absorbing conversation with an interesting man in creative times; the trifecta of fascinating.

Enjoy the chaos.


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Crisis Vector

Crisis Vector

TalkCast 402 – The Girl With The Blue Hair

Ceara Comeau

Ceara Comeau

As has been mentioned over and over, one of the best things about setting up at conventions is not only the chance to talk to our fans and listeners but also to meet old friend as well as new talented people. Terry Thomas, from Keene Comic Con came by our booth at Granite Con to talk to us about some of the guests that were going to be there. He spoke specifically about a young lady with blue hair whose name had slipped his mind but was an “up and coming Sci Fi author” and wanted us to meet her there. A little bit later that afternoon, whom should come by the SFSN booth but that selfsame blue haired young lady, Ceara Comeau, wanting to talk with us about conventions and writing and how she had been listening to the podcast and her book “Memories of Chronosalis” for the better part of as hour.

At Keene, two weeks later, we met up with Ceara again and she seemed to be having a wonderful time interacting with the convention attendees and other guests. Her natural ease and relaxed demeanor with others was the perfect way for her to enjoy the convention and that attitude carried over to this interview. Interestingly, her writing maintains that same storytelling ease while giving the reader the opportunity to see the wonderful “word paintings” she creates to lead the reader into this new world of Chronosalis.

Join us for an relaxed fun and interesting time talking to “The Girl With Blue Hair”.


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Memories of Chronosalis

Memories of Chronosalis

TalkCast 401 – The Totally Odd World of Noah Whippie

Noah Whippie

Noah Whippie

One of the best parts of conventioning is getting to see and meet new and emerging talents, Not just artists and writers but also artisans. Every one in a blue moon you meet all three in one. At the first Keene Comic Con I had the chance to meet Noah Whippie and we talked for a bit about his art, his knives, his cards and stuff. We wanted to get him on last year but for one reason or another it didn’t happen. Then, this year at Keene II, we met up again and I said enough is enough. In this episode we get to talk about his artwork, his artisan work in metal and his writing.

Noah is an interesting individual who describes himself alternately as a freelance graphic artist and illustrator, professional comic book artist, knife maker, Skateboard painter, ex Tattoo artist and body piercer and professional cake decorator. His official biography also states I’m nicer than I look and I love Mexican food.

Noah talks about coming out of the woods for his first con, last year at Keene, and why he feels the way he does about all of his creations, something he refers to as Artistic ADD. When you click on the links you get the chance to see how really wide ranging his amazing creations are and why I have tried in vain for two years to buy a knife from him. After the interview ended Noah mentioned that he had wanted to mention his ongoing Web comic that he was very proud of, Butcher Supreme and The Mighty Meat Machine.  Consider it mentioned and linked.

Join us for a refreshing time and, as usual, enjoy the chaos.


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The Coffin Cleaver by Noah Whippie

The Coffin Cleaver by Noah Whippie

TalkCast 400 – Steve Lomer & Typo Squad The Movie

Stephen Lomer

Stephen Lomer

On this episode we get the opportunity to talk with Stephen Lomer as he attempts to make his wonderful book Typo Squad into a short film. Steve has an interesting literary career, beginning as an editor and copywriter and transforming to a genuinely funny and effective writer who has chosen to defy genres and write as he pleases. No where is this more evident than in the Typo Squad series which is one part mystery, one part alternate history with  liberal dashes of humor and “punnery”, a vice to which he succumbs all too often, for wonderful affect.  We got the chance to talk about the many

Typo Squad

Typo Squad

challenges of the Indiegogo project and his thoughts on them. It’s always fun to speak with Steve. His infectious enthusiasm permeates his work and most certainly comes thru when he talks about it as well.

Enjoy Sammy The Shower Shark.


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TalkCast 399 – Meet Charleigh Brennan

Charleigh Brennan

Charleigh Brennan

It’s kind of rare to be introduced to an up and coming author of whom cool and great things can be expected. In this edition, the listeners get such a chance. A month or so back, at Vermont Comic Con, we had a chance meeting with a new young writer at her table, selling an anthology that she was a part of. Though the cover illustration was deceiving by comparison to the story she was telling us about, Charleigh Brennan  was upbeat, engaging and energetic. She wanted to talk about how she got involved in this project and very early on we decided that it would be a great idea to do it.

Rogues and Wild Fire is a compilation of 8 stories from writers involved in the Creative Central Writers Group and published by the affiliated Balance of Seven Literary Alliance and Publishing House. As confused as I was, Charleigh laid out for us how each was inter-connected to the other.

Interestingly, Charleighs eclectic background served as the springboard for the basis and context of her story, Captured, as she gave us an fascinating glimpse into her formative years and how she ended up with mice in her attic in Vermont.

Enjoy the chaos.


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Rogues and Wild Fire

Rogues and Wild Fire

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