TalkCast 330 – Daniel White with Hardcore and Lethal




Our guest tonight is Daniel White He is the artist and creator on the HB Comics new Comic project, Hardcore and Lethal. He has a Kickstarter for this project, which he is started as a web comic. We spend some time talking about his process and why he chose to resurrect this web comic. Check out his Kickstarter.

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Keeping It Ghastly: The Tarot Cafe

Keeping It Ghastly” is a bi weekly article on Japanese horror comics which have English print editions. Some are from famous authors, others are from unknowns and underground artist circles. In any case, it’s going to be to a terrifying/awesome ride exploring the horror manga on our bookshelves!


In taking a break from Japanese horror to peruse some of the plentiful Korean horror available in print in English, I came across a series I had long forgotten. Deep in my attic I uncovered a box containing one of Tokyopop’s signature manwha series – The Tarot Cafe. This series of seven books is a magnificently written and rendered story about a Scottish born fortune teller named Pamela. A plucky and fashionable lady, Pamela makes a living in modern England selling tarot card readings at her cafe. During the day she entertains the human world, but at night her clientele shifts to more mysterious patrons. Wish granting cats, vampires, werewolves, alchemists, and many other immortals find their way to her doorstep through one mishap or another. Each carries their own burden, and every one is lost. Pamela, with her knack for accurate readings and her compassionate heart, helps them uncover what it is they are looking for or running from. In return she asks for beads from something called “Berial’s necklace”. Her purpose in this request is a mystery known only to her.


The Tarot Cafe is a supernatural drama with LGBTQ elements from South Korean writer and artist Sang-Sun Park, creator of Ark Angels and artist of Les Bijoux. Each chapter begins with a full page drawing of a tarot card customized for the character or mood of the chapter. Some are better executed than others, but each is still a splendid edition to the eye candy that is Sang-Sun Park’s illustrations. I really can’t say enough about the artwork in this series. There’s a wonderful mix of minimalist tones which really bring the pages to life, especially given the use of stark black and white backgrounds.


Often times Sang-Sun Park will use tone sheets to create a sort of haze, or softness, just in one small area of the art. Eyes, lips and the slight contours of the face predominantly receive this treatment. It works to accentuate the ethereal beauty of the characters, making the art unique and eye catching.


When heavier application of tones is utilized the art becomes even more dramatic, working well with the climax of each chapter.

tarot café8

In terms of story The Tarot Cafe volumes one and two start off pretty standardly with the tried and true monster-of-the-week formula. Characters are introduced, settings are established, and the larger plot behind our protagonists begins to unfold. Stories in the first two volumes can unfortunately suffer from a severe case of melodrama that bleeds into the dialogue and plots. For instance the first volume focuses a lot on the story of a vampire who is looking for the reincarnation of his love, only to tragically make the same mistake that separated them in the first place. The reader is able to see the ending from a mile away. A similar kind of predictable ending befalls a werewolf in another chapter of volume one.

Despite the shortcomings of these beginning episodic stories, there is a consistent rhythm that makes them enjoyable. The continuous connection to fairy tales and the symbolism of the tarot cards gives The Tarot Cafe the same feeling as a Wes Anderson or Laika movie. It’s a story out of time, where semi-mystical things and geography exist right alongside the more mundane world. Apparently unnoticed or at least uncommented upon. This can be disorienting if the reader is not able to suspend their disbelief that such things as alchemists and witch hunters exist at the same time as our normal, everyday London. But once you get your bearings the predictability of the early stories starts to make sense. This is a world where cliches come to be for a reason – fate and magic are the guiding forces, and come with their own logic.


Tokyopop courted North American readers with works by Sang-Sun Park for nearly all of the first decade of the 21st century. During Tokyopop’s life they published all three volumes of Ark Angels from 2005 to 2007, all five volumes of Les Bijoux in 2004 alone, and of course the seven volumes of The Tarot Cafe hit North American bookshelves from 2005 to 2008. After a major company shakeup in 2013 Tokyopop lost the licensing rights to many, many of their titles. Fortunately digital rights to the series were licensed to Comixology. Even now Comixology is where the series and many other titles still licensed by Tokyopop are primarily found. For the die hard print edition lovers like myself Tokyopop print editions of The Tarot Cafe are still readily available on amazon and ebay. Despite having gone on to create more josei horror titles like Gangnam, there has been no news of any other Sang-Sun Park’s other stories being picked up for North American distribution. It’s a sad reality, but there’s always hope that even if her works do not make it into print they will at least become available via digital comics. In short, The Tarot Cafe is one series for LGBTQ friendly YA audiences and gothic shojo fans that you don’t want to miss out on.


The Writer’s Block: In Twain’s Shadow

I live in Connecticut. As you might imagine, we have to scramble to find things to brag about. We have two impressive casinos, the best women’s college basketball team in the nation, and a failed hockey team. It was in Bristol, CT, in 1989 that Milli Vanilli’s scam started to unravel. That about sums up everything we’re known for.

Oh, except one more thing: we’re also the former home of one Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain.

As a writer, being from the same place as the guy that William Faulkner once called “the father of American literature” can be intimidating. (Don’t get me wrong—I’d rather be a horror writer from Mark Twain’s home state, than, say, Maine, where a much bigger horror author’s reputation looms.) In elementary school, it was guaranteed that one field trip every year would be to the Mark Twain House. (As a kid, the highlight of this tour was seeing the bedroom in which one of Twain’s daughters actually died. As an adult, I was quite disappointed to find they’d roped off that room from the tour.) Everybody knew who this Twain guy was. No worries, though: I wrote horror. I didn’t have to worry about this long-dead literary legacy overshadowing me. After all, he wrote adventure stories and humorous essays and stuff about Yankees in King Arthur’s court.

Fast-forward to 2016. I found myself in charge of an anthology that I wanted to use to showcase some of Connecticut’s finest authors. And really, you can’t do an anthology like that without including Sam Clemens.

But what to use? Did I not just mention adventures and essays and Yankees? None of that really fit into a collection of spooky stories. I started perusing Twain’s essays, despondent that I’d be putting out a book of celebrated Connecticut authors without including Connecticut’s most celebrated author.

And then I found it.

Back in 1902, Harper’s Bazaar had published a story by the great Twain. “The Californian” was . . . a ghost story. Thank you, Mr. Clemens, for saving my neck from beyond the grave.

Tricks and Treats: A Collection of Spooky Stories by Connecticut Authors contains a fantastic array of tales from past Nutmeggers Twain, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John G.C. Brainard. It also features impressive entries by contemporary writers John Valeri, Ryanne Strong, G. Elmer Munson, Melissa Crandall, Dan Foley, Kristi Petersen Schoonover, and me. It debuts September 1 from Books & Boos Press, and you can find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and select retail outlets. You can view the book trailer here.

I can only hope Mr. Twain would approve.

(And in case you missed it, Sci-Fi Saturday Night’s anthology, My Peculiar Family, is also available now!)


Keeping It Ghastly: Time and Again Vol 1

“Keeping It Ghastly” is a bi weekly article on Japanese horror comics which have English print editions. Some are from famous authors, others are from unknowns and underground artist circles. Either way, it’s going to be to a terrifying/awesome ride exploring the horror manga on our bookshelves!

We will now take a break from our regular “Keeping It Ghastly” made-in-Japan-horror-comics-with-print-publications-in-english program to talk about two books from South Korea. This week it will be one the topic of Time and Again vol 1, a horror historical fiction manwha from JiUn Yun, author of Cynical Orange.


Time and Again is the story of ghost and demon exorcists-for-hire who travel South Korea during the reign of Chinese Emperor Xaunzong of the Tang Dynasty. Our protagonists consist of the arrogant and often drunk master exorcist Baek-On, his mysterious aid Ho-Yeon, and the beautiful sentient sword Shin-Wol. The pacing of the first volume of Time and Again is odd, with only 3 of the 5 chapters focusing on the adventures of our protagonists. The other 2 chapters are seemingly unrelated stories that occur in the world of Time and Again. The 3 chapters that do feature Baek-on and Ho-yeon as active members of the cast also vary wildly in length. Chapter 5, for instance, is only 5 pages long while the first chapter is 36 pages in length. Read More »

TalkCast 329 – Cory Levine

Cory Levine Our guest tonight is Cory Levine, writer and creator of of The Bowery Boys, a very unique and interesting web-comic. We spend the interview talking about the genesis of the comic, his work with artists Ian Bertram and Brent McKee in putting the comic together and the subsequent graphic novel on Dark Horse Comics. This is his first Boston Comic Con.

Here is the link to the web comic of The Bowery Boys.The Bowery Boys




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TalkCast 328 – George is Back

George O'ConnorSo whenever George O’Connor is here, we talk. Tonight, we talked about some of his new projects including Baby, 664 The Comic (or as I call in 664 Season 3) with his collaborators Harley Bean and Lesley Atlansky, Healed, The Movie (to be shown at the Mass Indy Film Festival), Boston Comic Con, and the current state of the Import/Export Trade Imbalance in Paraguay.


664 CoverAs promised during the show, here is the free download of 664 Episode 0.









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TalkCast 327 – Emmanuelle McGowan

Emmanuelle McGowanIn an inverted format, we begin the show with News:

In another episode of “People You Should See at Boston Comic Con”, In this episode, we meet Emmanuelle McGowan. This will be Emmanuelle’s sophomore outing at Boston Comic Con. We got a chance to speak with her about her beginnings, how her art has flourished, her unique style and how she has blossomed out to many more conventions. As always, if you’re coming to to BCC, be sure to spend the time in Artists Alley. There is no limit to the treasures you can find there



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The Writer’s Block Presents Rob Smales

This month, I have a bit of free fiction for you from horror writer Rob Smales. Not only is Rob my editing partner and friend, but he’s also one of my favorite contemporary authors. Check him out, won’t you?

Let Them Eat Cake

Rob Smales

Becca tried to stay as still as possible as the box shook and swayed slightly. She braced her hands on the floor to either side, crouching on one knee in the dark as she was rolled out.

I hope they get this show on the road, before I get too stiff to move.

It had been a long time since she’d done this particular shtick. No one requested it anymore, and she’d been surprised when they asked her about it, but it all sort of made sense when they mentioned it was his one-hundredth birthday. Nostalgic. An old-fashioned surprise. It all made sense . . . but a hundred?

Jesus. Read More »

TalkCast 326 – Tabatha Lord

Tabatha Lord

In the first of our series of “People You Should See At Boston Comic Con 2016, Tabitha Lord, author of the new Science Fiction novel, Horizon, joins us. We get the chance to talk about how and why she became a full time writer, where she is going with it and why it’s important to her. This will be her first Boston Comic Con adventure so if you’re there, take a moment to stop by and say hello.

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TalkCast 325 – Sara Richard Returns

Sara Richard

The amazing and talented artist Sara Richard joins us again. She talks about some neat projects she is working on in July and her latest adventures including her travels to Easter Island and BronyCon as well as her upcoming appearance at Boston Comic Con.

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