We talk with the newest inductees into the Sci Fi Saturday Night Five Timers Club, Alan and Chris Hebert. SFSN spent much time at Vermont Comic Con with our friends from HB Comics. They join the show to talk about the state of the independent comic creator and how it has changed over the past years. They are also here to talk about the newest episode of Team Synergy, a “kids” comic at inception and how is has now in issue 4, evolved into a taut YA Superhero adventure. Changes in story arc characterizations and art , thanks in no small part to the addition of artist P.R. Dedelis, have helped sharpen the focus of this comic as it evolves. They also talk about the other tent-poles of the HB Comics repertoire, Vindication, Lazerman and Mystery Man .
It’s a fun time. Enjoy the Chaos.
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