Z*Con The Kickstarter Project Begins

Writer, director, producer, artist, speaker, co-founder of Big Damn Films, and gentleman genius, Michael Dougherty (you remember him from Browncoats: Redemption) comes back into the world of film making and social activism. The whole idea of Big Damn Films has always been to give back to the community, to charities and make amazing films. Here’s my breakdown of their latest project:

  1. The Movie: A horror comedy about a zombie outbreak at a comic con. It chronicles the story of 14 year old Matt Moore and his 3 friends who have a podcast. While attending a local comic convention they witness a Zombie Outbreak. Think The Walking Dead meets Superbad
  2. The Kickstarter Project: for his first film, Mike went seeking donations for both goods and services and sales went to charity. This time, he is hoping to donate $250,000.00. It is an ambitious goal but Mike is used to seeing and working towards big goals. In his last project Big Damn Films achieved what it set out to do:  produce a quality film in the Firefly Universe with all the legal approvals from the powers that be. And at the same time they supported the work of charities with the money brought in from the sale of the film:

 “Every penny will go directly towards completing our project which is our film’s production and contributor rewards. Our budget covers everything from production insurance, location fees, equipment rentals, cast and crew wages, props, costumes, and makeup to the VFX, sound design, and, well, everything we will need to make the film. While the budget may seem low to you, we learned how to maximize our funds during our first film. And, since we’re a non-profit organization, some aspects will be donated to the production, which also helps reduce costs.”

This is Dome sayin’: Check them out on their web page, Twitter feed, Facebook page and, if you are so inclined, their Kickstarter page. My Big Damn Name is gonna be in the credits of this movie. How about you?

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