EPIC #0 by Tyler James and Matt Zolman: A “No Spoilers” review
Imagine being a Super Hero. Imagine all the verve and vitality of youth and super powers and idealism. Imagine hormones run rampant, Imagine being in Florida during spring break. Imagine your secret vulnerability is …hot girls. Does the term screwed come to mind?
Thus is the life and times of EPIC, the latest superhero saga by James and Zolman. The story is very witty and paced quite nicely. The characters are fun and not deep, brooding and angsty (spell check says angsty is not a word, I disagree) and for that I am grateful; I’m not quite sure how well EPIC Noir would work. I like the idea of a teen superhero without the resident Teen Titan overdone clichés. Its fun and light. The artwork is very bright and very sunny-Florida-ish.
Here’s my problem. I am told that when I write a review, I tend to put more emotion than substance into it. I could go into excruciating detail about how the characters do whatever it is they have to do and the unfortunate situations they extricate themselves from. Sorry, it’s difficult enough to do this when you can give spoilers, but I’m not gonna do it. I am gonna say this. I like the story, a lot. I love the artwork. It’s a fun read and a bunch of fun characters.
Come see Tyler James at Boston Comic Con and pick up a copy of Epic. Tell ’em Dome sent ya.
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