Fall Season Preview: The (yawn) Returning (yawn) Shows

Sure, for the past few years Sci Fi has enjoyed a Renaissance (goodness, I love them big wordies). Doctor Who, Heroes just to name a few but there have also been so many big big budget shows that for the most part are …… not so good, and yet they keep annoying me by taking up valuable space on the schedule.


Battlestar Galactica – so good, so wonderfully good, so amazingly good. Going into it’s last season and I want EVERYTHING wrapped up in a nice little Christmas Package for me.

Smallville – yawn……………….. HUGE FREAKIN YAWN. How did this show last a season? Why did this show last 7 seasons? What’s the intrigue here? I must be missing something, but for Gods sake, give this puppy a decent burial and let it have whatever dignity it can muster in its death knell. It defines horrible Sci Fi television. It makes Roswell look like Upstairs, Downstairs. It makes My Favorite Martian look like Hill Street Blues. ARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Stargate Atlantis – Proof positive that when you don’t like the original series, chances are you won’t like the spin offs.Scores

From Tuesday:

Reaper – A-Outstandingly funny, I take back 50% of all the bad things I said about it (maybe, if they grow).Never one unable to admit when I am wrong (remember, I hated The White Album)

Dome, Signing off

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