Monthly Archives: January 2021

TalkCast 468 – Leukocyte? I Never Touched That Antigen!

On tonight’s show we talk with comic creator Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz, someone who by his own admission came into comic books late in life.  This did not deter him from developing a deep love and respect for the craft of comics.  He has created two websites, Dark Knight Nation and Pocket Watch Press.  While in his […]

Talkcast 467 – She Haunts Lonely Places

As residents of New England we can tell you that the coast of Maine is equally beautiful and haunting.  There are many ghost stories to be found about the desolate seacoast of Maine, it’s haunted lighthouses and islands.  During the isolation of the winter months the deep loneliness has resulted in tragic outcomes that loom […]

TalkCast 466 – Prose and Cons (with apologies to Eddie Murphy)

Why do bad things always happen to good people? Why  does the perfect point on your pencil always snap off? What do you trip on your own shoe laces? Why have all the conventions been cancelled? Damned if we know but we  talked about them anyway with one of our best convention buddies Keith Gleason, […]

TalkCast 465 – You Put The Lime in the Coconut…..Drink It and What What Happens

What happiness when you bring Flaming Chicken, Psychedelicatessen, Uberfrog, The Funhouse Waltz, Nina of The Woods and a veritable plethora of films from around the globe hosted by the inimitable Dan Abella. Why, once  again  my friends, it’s time for The 3rd Annual Psychedelic Film and Music Festival, and what makes it so magnificently different […]

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