Monthly Archives: November 2019

TalkCast 426 – Gary K. Wolf in Toontown

Or, Yoga, Meditation and Blue Cows. Or, 110 People CAN Be Wrong! What do the following people have in common: Bob Hoskins Steven Spielberg Roy Disney Kathleen Turner Amy Irving In not too simple terms the correct answer is Gary K. Wolf, author and creator of Roger Rabbit. In this episode we literally fall down […]

TalkCast 425 – The Other Side of C. T. Phipps (or at least “another side)

In this edition, we get to reconnect with CT Phipps, who discerning listeners might remember from his series, “The Rules of Supervillany”. He comes by to talk about another of his amazing passions, the Space Opera, a segment of Science Fiction that requires the writer to figuratively AND literally build almost everything from the ground […]

TalkCast 424 – The Monitors Guild Book Two

It was Ben Bova who said that “Science Fiction is simply history that hasn’t happened yet”. In this edition, we get a true glimpse of that as we talk with our old friend Peter Vinton Jr. Artist, writer, historian and bibliophile, Peter joins the ‘Cast to talk about Volume two of his social allegory passion […]

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