Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Writer’s Block: Ursula Wong on Strong Women

This month, author Ursula Wong reflects on strong women in science fiction, and how they’ve inspired her writing. I love strong women and write about them, so on a quest to meet more, I sought out Katniss from Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games, Nyx from God’s War by Kameron Hurley, and the brilliant Trillian from Douglas […]

TalkCast 332 – The Many Projects of Vivek Tiwary

It’s an epic night with Vivek Tiwary returns to SFSN and brings some and friends to talk about two of his many new projects.   Project one is with SFSN’s friend Sara Richard. It’s an YA illustrated novel called Asha Ascending. Per usual, Vivek does nothing in an ordinary fashion and in this case, the […]

Keeping It Ghastly: Blame! Vol 1-3

“Keeping It Ghastly” is a bi weekly article on Japanese horror comics which have English print editions. Some are from famous authors, others are from unknowns and underground artist circles. In any case, it’s going to be to a terrifying/awesome ride exploring the horror manga on our bookshelves! *Ssssssnifffff* Smell that? That reek of sweat, […]

TalkCast 331 – GraniteCon and The Secret Identity Podcast

Our guests tonight are our old friend Chris Proulx from Double Midnight Comics and the guy in charge of Granite State Comic Con. We spend some moments previewing the upcoming even which will include everything from Cosplay to food trucks. This   incredible New England Event takes place on September 17 & 18 in Manchester, […]

TalkCast 330 – Daniel White with Hardcore and Lethal

    Our guest tonight is Daniel White He is the artist and creator on the HB Comics new Comic project, Hardcore and Lethal. He has a Kickstarter for this project, which he is started as a web comic. We spend some time talking about his process and why he chose to resurrect this web comic. Check […]

Keeping It Ghastly: The Tarot Cafe

“Keeping It Ghastly” is a bi weekly article on Japanese horror comics which have English print editions. Some are from famous authors, others are from unknowns and underground artist circles. In any case, it’s going to be to a terrifying/awesome ride exploring the horror manga on our bookshelves! In taking a break from Japanese horror […]

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