Monthly Archives: April 2016

TalkCast 314 – Doug Jones

Tonight we talk once again with one of our very best favorite guests, Doug Jones. Originally he had been booked to talk about his upcoming film Bye Bye Man. When the release date was moved to December, we decided there was plenty else we could talk about and so we did. The discussion included:  His […]

Keeping It Ghastly: Franken Fran Omnibus Vol 1

“Keeping It Ghastly” is a bi weekly article on Japanese horror comics which have English print editions. Some are from famous authors, others are from unknowns and underground artist circles. Either way, it’s going to be to a terrifying/awesome ride to keep horror manga on our bookshelves! It’s the stuff of 1950s and 60s double […]

TalkCast 313 – Our Old Friend Jay Mooers Returns

Tonight Jay Mooers returns to talk about whats new in the Eden Park Universe. Among the newness is his newest book, Sand and Scales and the Kickstarter for his  Autumn Grey #1 Troubled Waters. We spent some time discussing how he spends his time in the “Creation Process” and how, this year.  the multitude of […]

Keeping It Ghastly: Nijigahara Holograph

“Keeping It Ghastly” is a bi weekly article on Japanese horror comics which have English print editions. Some are from famous authors, others are from unknowns and underground artist circles. Either way, it’s going to be to a terrifying/awesome ride to keep horror manga on our bookshelves! This time on “Keeping It Ghastly” I’ll be […]

No Show This Week (Also: DANGER!)

Hey Everyone! The brain has escaped its jar, and if the past is any indication it’s going to take a while to round it up. So this week’s show is going to be postponed. That means no live recording tonight and no new show on Saturday. See you next week with a freshly-jarred brain!   […]

TalkCast 312 – This Convention Year with Double Midnight Comics

  Chris from Double Midnight Comics joins us to talk about the coming year to include New England events including: Halfway To GraniteCon , MasiveCon, Free Comic Book Day and Granite State Comic  Con. Double Midnight has been with Sci Fi Saturday Night for over 10 years.     In this weeks news: Netflix Releases […]

TalkCast 311- Kristine Rusch Returns

Kristine Rusch returns for some wonderful conversation. Stops along the way include: The many names she write under, including Kristine Grayson, Kristine Dexter, and Kris DeLake and why the heck she does it that way. The work process of a Two Writer Household. Her tenure at The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. The original […]

Keeping It Ghastly: Presents Vol 2

“Keeping It Ghastly” is a bi weekly article on Japanese horror comics which have English print editions. Some are from famous authors, others are from unknowns and underground artist circles. Either way, it’s going to be to a terrifying/awesome ride to keep horror manga on our bookshelves! Happy April Fools day! I have some good […]

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