Monthly Archives: July 2012

Talkcast 144 – Rhiannon McCullough

Mary Poppins vs. Voldemort in the Event That Shall Not Be Named opening ceremony Alphas and Warehouse 13 kick ass in return. Terry Gilliam’s daughter discovers dad’s originals Chakotay regrets Voyager. SPOILER: Spoilers are good for you Jon Stewart Blasts Viacom For Stupid Blackout Flaming Carrot Kickstarter project! Z*CON  pennies away from funding goal. R.I.P. Sally […]

Fall Foliage By Curt McDermott

Going to cons is fun for a bunch of reasons. You get to reconnect with artists, writers, collectors and fans you may not have seen since last year; but often times you also find something or someone new.  I was introduced to Curt McDermott at Granite State Comic Con. He is one of the new […]

Talkcast 143 – Jan Scott-Frazier

Batman movie opens Rush Limbaugh is a dumbass Tracy Hickman’s Wayne of Gotham is out The Magic of Frankenweenie There might be a third Hobbit movie “ConSARS” bug infects unwashed masses at SDCC Z*Con Movie starring Joss Whedon, produced by Felicia Day, written by 5 yr old Ron Moore might turn Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series into […]

Alphas – Super. But Human.

SyFy has a some amazing quality programming on their hands, and one of the shining stars thus far is Alphas. Season 1 followed the main characters’ journey from squabbling individuals to a working group of super humans staying hidden in plain sight. There are still flaws and mysteries for them to work out, but the […]

Talkcast 142 – Scott Perry and Adam Mock

Some sort of get-together in San Diego this weekend BBCA Doctor Who at Comic-Con special on July 28th Tom Baker to return for Dr. Who 50th anniversary! BattleStar Galactica: Blood and Chrome Pee Wee Herman voice over of The Dark Knight Trailer Scarlett Johansson signs  for 20 Million to do Avengers 2 Fraggle Rock’s Doozers […]

Talkcast 141 – Cosplay Nation

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Documentary Detroit may become first zombie theme park Course of the Force:  Olympic-style charity run w/lightsabres Famous Pictures recreated with Star Wars Action Figures Nerd Babies = Cutest Thing Ever Spiderman Trilogy Benedict Cumberbatch appears on The Simpsons Poll:  What’s your favorite Ray Harryhausen film? Tonight’s guests are Josh Adams and […]

The Adventures of Joe Bleak

Joe Bleak is the rugged, dirty, whiskey drinking, cigarette smoking son of a bitch that you and I wish we could be. He isn’t someone you necessarily look up to, but is someone you respect, and maybe even fear.  It is for this reason that I was excited to get into The Adventures of Joe […]

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