TalkCast 384 – The Wide Ranging Worlds Of Cameron J. Quinn

Beamed Up

Beamed Up

In this edition, we get a chance to talk again with Cameron J. Quinn, Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur from Amphibian Press. Ostensibly, Cameron is here to talk about her story In Amphibians’ newest anthology, Beamed Up (faithful listeners of the podcast will remember Ariele Sielings recent appearance to discuss her story in the book, ‘The Stalk’). Cameron’s story for the anthology, “How To Abduct An Alien”, is parts of her ongoing “Starsboro Chronicles” series, but is, in fact, a prequel to her previously published books in this series and is a unique role reversal tale of every alien abduction story you may have read. Other authors in this anthology are V.S. Holmes and Cullen McHael.

We also got the opportunity to chat about what else is new at Amphibian Press, new anthologies and plans for the coming convention season as well as a multitude of author services, so check out what they have to offer

Enjoy the chaos:


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Cameron J Quinn

Cameron J Quinn

TalkCast 383 – The Return of Ariele Sieling

Tentacles and Teeth

Tentacles and Teeth

This TalkCast is a case study in what happens when one of our favorite writers asks to come on the show to talk about her newest stuff and you’re expecting really nice fantasy with inventive quirky universes and instead get a review copy for a post apocalyptic dystopia with poisonous monsters and icky gooey deaths. Ariel Sieling certainly shocked us all with a stunningly stark realization of a dark future in her newest project The Land of Szornyek: Tentacles and Teeth.  This project is coming out on a “Chapter A Month” basis via Patreon and when completed will become a novel. We got a long look at this new world and the new direction her writing is taking from the days of Rutherford the Unicorn Sheep and The Sagittan Chronicles.  The Land of Szornyek offers a new different exciting adventure, 40 years in the future.

Ariele Sieling

Ariele Sieling

We also got the chance to talk about a short story she has in the upcoming Amphibian Press anthology, “Beamed Up“.  Her story is “Stalk” a  Sci Fi  a retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk mythos.

Another project Airiele currently developing is a memoir of the relationship between her and her grandmother growing up in New Hampshire.

It is always interesting to watch as authors develop and redefine their voices and seek new platforms and genres to communicate. It was fun to explore with her.

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Ariele Sieling

TalkCast 382 – The DeRaville Sisters

Ayesha DeRaville & Sonise Lumbaca

Ayesha DeRaville & Sonise Lumbaca

In this episode we talk with the Ayesha DeRaville and her twin sister and collaborator Sonise Lumbaca about their  most recent re-collaboration, Space Aliens, Bad Mothers and Guns: Volume 2. These sisters are articulate, intelligent talented writers and artists an have come up with a refreshing twist on the idea of a novel. In fact, SABM&G vol. 1 and 2  are not really novels at all but instead a series of not necessarily connected short stories interspersed with fantastical artwork.  What’s even more intriguing is that when asked which one writes and which one creates the artwork, the answer is …  yes. Both women have very specific and expressive writing styles and artistic styles, so the “novel” becomes instead a pastiche of diverse concepts and styles and keeps the reader both intrigued and riveted. As for any sense of continuity between the volumes, again, yes and no. One story in volume 2, Adipose, is a continuation of the story themeology of The Enemy in volume 1, although both are competent stand alone reads.

In a time when the long form novel is the standard, these imaginative ladies have altered the presentation in such a way as to entice the reader into their pocket universe and it’s a fun ride. As an interesting side note, during the interview we all had an argument as to whether Iceland is in Europe or Scandinavia. This factoid is important because the sisters have been invited to the Midgard Convention in Reykjavik, Iceland. In order to help defray the expense they have set up a gofundme page. If you’re interested in helping them out there are some pretty nice reward tiers.

Great thanks to Ayesha and Sonise for a wonderful time. Enjoy the chaos.


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Space Aliens, Bad Mothers and Guns! vol. 2

Space Aliens, Bad Mothers and Guns! vol. 2

Space Aliens, Bad Mothers and Guns! vol.1

Space Aliens, Bad Mothers and Guns! vol.1


TalkCast 381 – The HSPPA

James Azrael

James Azrael

This episode is all about how a hobby becomes an obsession and morphs into, of all things, a museum. Our guest for this episode is James Azrael of The HSPPA (Horror & Science Fiction Prop Preservation Association). Musician/producer/actor James leads the HSPPA as Head Curator at all events and is accompanied by an incredible team of Event Curators to discuss everything on exhibit, answer questions and educate fans with histories, stories, behind the scenes facts.

The HSPPA started out with James’ personal collection, spanning over 30-years and has grown into a traveling extravaganza, based primarily in the Midwest, for now.


James talks about the current incarnation of the HSPPA and his hopes and dreams for its immediate and long-term future. We also got to talk about the two books currently available from the HSPPA:

If you get a chance to see their show at a convention or event, do so; it’s well worth it.

Enjoy the chaos


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Also James Azrael

Also James Azrael

The Writer’s Block Presents: Writer’s Block

Many, many writers have had those moments where they’re staring at a blank page and thinking, I can’t think of a single thing to write. I may never have another creative idea again in my lifetime. Maybe it’s followed by, Boy, I sure could go for a chocolate chip muffin (as I am thinking as I type this). I can’t tell you these moments are easily fixed. I can tell you you’re not alone.

When faced with such a crisis, the best advice I’ve ever received is to do something else. Anything else. Push your chair away from that screen and find a different activity, preferably something creative or physical, to give your mind a break. If you like to paint, paint. If you’ve been meaning to plant a small vegetable garden, now’s the time. Is your wrist sore because you don’t have the proper carpal support for your computer mouse? Break out that sewing kit and get to stitching a small wrist pillow. Bake a dozen chocolate chip muffins from scratch, then send me some. Do anything . . . other than write.

You’ll likely find your mind will wander during these activities. For example, I hate sewing, but my wrist was shooting stabby “I need some support here” pains up my arm, which really just added insult to the injury of feeling like I’d never have a creative idea again as long as I lived. I cut up an old pillowcase and filled it with dry rice. I sewed it by hand, on purpose, just so it would take longer, and give my mind time to wander. Right around the time I was stuffing the rice in, grain by grain, my husband asked what I’d be making for dinner. Within five minutes, I had the germ of a story idea, about a disgruntled housewife who stabs her husband in the eye with a large sewing needle. She then dismembers the corpse, stuffs the pieces into a roasting pan, and sets the oven to “self-cleaning.” Had I not forced myself to take a break from the computer, this never would’ve happened.

Don’t force the words to come. Take a break. You’ll be pleased to find inspiration can grow from the most ordinary things.

See? A wrist support can also work as creative therapy.

See? A wrist support can also work as creative therapy.

TalkCast 380 = The Fate of the Jewish Super Villain

C.T. Phipps

C.T. Phipps

Continuing with our on again off again theme, what’s so funny about science fiction, on this episode our guest is C.T. Phipps, author of, among many other things, The Rules of Supervillainy series that features the unlikely anti-hero Gary Karkofsky. The discussion is a typical author interview, talking about bizarre pop culture references, the use of Bill and Ted Go to Hell, why Gary’s wife is killed multiple times and where in the hell does all this cone from. The bottom line is, TC is a very interesting guy who puts those interests into his books, and for that matter is a rather prolific writes currently working in 3 different series:


C.T. is a very funny guy and really interesting to talk with.

Enjoy the chaos.


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The Rules of Supervillany

TalkCast 379 – The Wit and Wisdom of Alexander Jablokov

Alexander Jablokov

Alexander Jablokov


In this episode we spend time talking with science futurist and science fiction writer Alex Jablokov. We spent the show talking about various facets of his life; how and why he found his love for science fiction, when he began writing, why he stopped writing and why he restarted his writing career. It’s a fascinating hour of articulate conversation about the craft and the passion and why it’s important to him.

Enjoy the chaos.


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TalkCast 378 – The Atomic Frenchie

Little Giant Comics OLD School COMIC SHOW


It is yet another two-guest show for us.  Our first guest is Jason Brodnick. Jason is the force behind the Little Giant Comics OLD SCHOOL COMIC SHOW being held on April 28th.  in Concord New Hampshire. Jason talked with us about the reasons behind an large, one day event in a central location wit a family friendly entrance fee, plenty of parking and it the tradition of a “comic” conventions, mostly comics. This convention is a hybrid of the larger events and micro-cons combining what Jason feels is the best of both worlds.




The Atomic Frenchie

The Atomic Frenchie

Our second guest is the ever-popular New York Times Best Selling Author Thomas E. Sniegoski, a great friend of the show. Tom drops in to talk about his contribution to the upcoming edition of My Peculiar Family II Kickstarter. As is usual when Tom joins us, it is a fun relaxing wide-ranging conversation. Tom also got to talk about his newest book collaboration with Tom McWeenie, The Atomic Frenchie. This is a wonderfully funny kind of graphic novel about a French Bulldog Super Villain (in no way related to his own dog Kirby whatsoever). We talked about how the story came about, how he reached out to Tom McWeenie to collaborate on this and the trials and tribulations of bringing something so different to press. Tom was, as usual, his effervescent self and is was just a joy to have him back. (There may or may not have been leaked as nugget about Toms newest project towards the end of the interview, just sayin’)

To be honest, there may have been news afterwards but Dome had some wonderfully annoying technical difficulties and didn’t hear anything after Toms interview ended.

Isn’t chaos wonderful?


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The Atomic Frenchie

The Atomic Frenchie

TalkCast 377 – (Insert Snappy Title Here)

It’s another two-guest episode.

Nicole Dubuc

Nicole Dubuc

An actress, a show runner, a voice actor and a comic book writer all walk into a podcast.

Well tonight that’s one person, the multi talented writer of Darby Pop Publishing’s Bruce Lee comic, Nicole Dubuc. We get a chance to talk about all of her past and current roles and the many things she is doing now. Nicole talks about why the Bruce Lee – The Walk of the Dragon comic is so special to her and her working with Shannon Lee in putting this project together. We barely scratched the surface of who she is and what she does.


Griffin Ess

Griffin Ess

Then Griffin Ess joined us. Griffin was ostensibly here to talk about Nuclear Physics and the Rise of Neo-Colonialism in Global Diversity. At the last minute he decided to change his agenda and instead we talked about his unique contribution to My Peculiar Family 2 (currently at a Kickstarter near you) both in written form as well his very interesting reward. He also revealed a bit about his upcoming Kickstarter with his co-conspirator George O’Connor, his current projects on Shaded Areas and the affects of chocolate on the human nervous system (a pet project of his).


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TalkCast 376 – How Things Work in My Peculiar Family

My Peculiar Family II

My Peculiar Family II

In this episode we have a discussion with three people with unique responsibilities in the production of My Peculiar Family II:

Each talks about their introduction to the project and what, in their mind, makes this volume unique. Enjoy the conversations and follow the Kickstarter.



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