Talkcast 227 – Girls with Slingshots

Danielle Corsetto

Danielle Corsetto

New Special Guest Host: Celine Lux, co-writer of Craigy Who and Mr. Timey Pants, co founder of a really cool Webzine and master glockenspiel player.

Guest 1: Chris Proulx from Double Midnight described the literal 3 ring circus that will be held on Free Comic Book Day. Stop by either store on the day of to get scads of free stuff and meet some amazing artists! Oh yeah, and get some free comics. Don’t miss out on May 3rd! The celebration begins at 10am, get in early for the best giveaways.


Guest 2: Danielle Corsetto creator of the Girls with Slingshots webcomic. She’s also involved in Lady Porn Conquers Earth, Smut Peddler 2. In other news, DO NOT GOOGLE Smut Peddler. Ever.


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Please note….

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Thursday (4/10/14) recording and Saturday (4/12/14) posting of the TalkCast will be postponed  until next week. Our thoughts and prayers are with Illustrator X and The Dead Redhead.

Thank you all for your understanding.

TalkCast 226 – Michael J. Sullivan

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Tonight’s guest is Michael J. Sullivan, who’s here to tell us about his new book, Hollow World.  Here’s the blurb from GoodReads:

Ellis Rogers is an ordinary man who is about to embark on an extraordinary journey. All his life he has played it safe and done the right thing, but when faced with a terminal illness, he’s willing to take an insane gamble. He’s built a time machine in his garage, and if it works, he’ll face a world that challenges his understanding of what it means to be human, what it takes to love, and the cost of paradise. He could find more than a cure for his illness; he might find what everyone has been searching for since time began…but only if he can survive Hollow World.

We also talk to Michael about alternative publishing models, both their dangers and their advantages.


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TalkCast 225 – Gary Sohmers

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Tonight’s guest is Gary Sohmers, who’s here to tell us all about the POP Culture Expo! We talked about what makes this con unique (and there’s a lot!), the ways they’re integrating technology, and some of the awesome guests who will be there.


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Poll of the Week!

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TalkCast 224 – Jamal Igle


Tonight’s guest is Jamal Igle. He’s the creative force behind Molly Danger, and a Marketing Director at Action Lab Comics. We were also honored to have an interlude with his adorable daughter Catie, who was part of the inspiration for Molly Danger.


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TalkCast 223 – Jo Whitby and Tracy Hickman

It’s another two-guest spectacular here at SFSN!

First we have the multi-talented Jo Whitby. She’s not only a musician and an artist, she’s also the creative force behind the webcomic Craigy Who and Mr. Timeypants, which had Kriana and Tracy giggling throughout the show. You can read the whole thing at Jo’s website, or if you want a print copy you can support her Kickstarter!

Then in the second half-hour we talk to author Tracy Hickman. He’s his usual amazing self, and he tells us all about some new projects he’s working on and about his place in the new Epic Fantasy Storybundle.


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TalkCast 222 – Three Twos and Two Guests!



Surprise! Travis Richey joins us at the top of the hour to talk up the Untitled Motion Picture About A Space Traveller Indiegogo campaign.  Then we go on some awesome tangents before circling back.

Then some brief news:

Poll: Apparently only one Sci Fi/Horror person deserves an Oscar…

StoryBundle has a new Fantasy bundle! Check it out to find some awesome stories by friends of the show!


And finally, one of our favorite authors, Kristi Peterson Schoonover, joins us to talk about her new story, “This Poisoned Ground”. She even reads us a few tantalizing paragraphs!



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TalkCast 221 – Stacey Longo


Tonight’s guest is Stacey Longo: a multi-talented author, business owner, and friend of the show. She’s here to tell us about her new book, Secret Things, which is available at Books and Boos!


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TalkCast220 – Dave Campbell and Steve Lanzilla

Tonight our guests are Dave and Steve from the Boston Area Toy Collectors’ Club. They just got back from the New York Toy Fair and they told us all about the biggest trends in action figures and collectables for 2014.


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