V.S. Holmes
Our guest in this episode is returning author V.S. Holmes here to talk about some new interconnected projects of hers at Amphibian Press.
First is her inclusion in a Science fiction short story anthology ‘Beamed Up.’ Joining with fellow “Amphibian” writers Cameron J. Quinn, Ariele Sieling and Cullen McHael, V.S.’ contribution is a story called “Disciples”, written in the Nel Bently universe.
Her other project is the soon to be released Book 3 in the Nel Bently series “Strangers”. For those unfamiliar with the series, you can read the first book for free here. V.S. talked about Nel, where she came from how she developed and the parallels between Nel and herself.
After that, we talked about the unique perspective that “Disciples” brings to the Nel Bently universe, allowing the reader the rare ability to see this from the opposite perspective, from the eyes of the “alien”, Lin Nalawangsa (but is Lin actually an alien?). This is an extremely enjoyable well-written series and we had a lot of fun talking about it with V.S., aside from not having to do so in a truck stop with negligible internet access.
Enjoy the chaos
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Beamed Up
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