Silver Vengeance by Kasey Shoemaker


Silver Vengeance

So here’s the story:  through no fault of anyone’s I got interrupted reading this book on 4 separate occasions and felt the need to retrace my steps when I started again. Why? It’s a complex read, and to give it justice you must immerse yourself in this reality. From the initial family turmoil, to the complex reality of adult Gabrielle Gayle’s life, Silver Vengeance is a story of coping with the hidden horrors of what you are and the reality that lies beneath the urban sameness we live in. It is a story of awakening for Gaby as she answers questions she has suppressed her entire life. Were-Witches (a chilling combination), boyfriends, family turmoil, and mother/daughter/sister issues all wrapped around the questions, “who am I? and what have I become?”

Urban Fantasy is becoming a more accepted mainstream genre. Kasey has a knack for juxtaposing gore and normalcy so that the mind is constantly asking more questions than the book answers…leaving the reader wanting more. She doesn’t waste words but instead gives the reader the chance to work with the story and paint pictures along with her. Reading about extraordinary circumstances in ordinary settings, I was left wondering what it is I miss in daily life that Gaby and other characters are forced to deal with every day.

Kasey introduces the reader to a new character and a new paradigm in urban fantasy.  When I was finally able, through no fault of the book, devote the time to reading this, I was deeply appreciative of the depth of her characters, the richness of her setting and its bloodthirsty under current marks this book as something special to read and look for more of. I heartily recommend it.

For the purposes of full disclosure, this book was a review copy sent to SFSN. No other remuneration was given or implied.

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